Am 17.08.2012 08:38, schrieb Marcel Holtmann:
Hi Thomas,
which German operator is giving you IPv6 over LTE?
No one.
I do test with the new qmi-wwan-driver:
IPv4 at 2G/3G/4G (regular contract t-mobile)
IPv6 at 2G/3G in a test environment by vodafone
The option-driver(ppp) works for me only in
IPv4 at 2G/3G
Therefore LTE causes some problems in my environment:
The classic ppp-dial-in did suddenly stopped to work if an LTE-Tower was
I had to force the modem to use UMTS/HSPA by additionally AT-commands.
The final solution was the new wwan-driver. It works with 2G/3G/4G.
(2G/3G-APN) worked as long there was no LTE available.
But now LTE is in Munich everywhere(t-mobile, vodafone).
Yesterday I went to the underground-station ( there is no lte) and all
devices connected to 3G/ipv6.
Of course I am frequently asking t-mobile, eplus, O2 and vodafone for
IPv6, but the answers were insufficient.
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