Guilherme Bedin <gbedin@xxxxxxxxx> writes: > Thanks for explanation on how things work. > The problem is if I don't pass the vendor and prodId the 3g modem is > detect as an USB mass storage. Even after using usb_modeswitch > > usb_modeswitch -default-vendor 0x19d2 -default-product 0×2000 > -target-vendor 0x19d2 -target-product 0×0031 -message-endpoint 0×01 > -message-content 555342431234567 > 82000000080000c85010101180101010101000000000000 > > I am running on: > Linux OpenWrt 3.3.8 #1 Mon Jul 9 20:09:35 MSK 2012 mips GNU/Linux > > With: > > Modem 3g > > D: Ver= 2.00 Cls=00(>ifc ) Sub=00 Prot=00 MxPS=64 #Cfgs= 1 > P: Vendor=19d2 ProdID=0031 Rev= 0.00 That device was added to the option driver almost 3 years ago, so the driver support should be OK. But you might be interested in this recent discussion of modeswitch problems with exactly that device: I suspect you are hit by the same problem, causing usb_modeswitch to switch the modem twice. All thanks to the genious in ZTE who is responsible for reusing the same device ID for switched and unswitched mode in different devices. So 19d2:0031 is the target ID for some devices like yours, but it is the default unswitched ID for others... Thank you, ZTE. That's just brilliant. But anyway, try upgrading to the latest usb_modeswitch_data. If that doesn't work, enable usb_modeswitch logging to verify that the problem really is double switching. Then look at /lib/udev/rules.d/40-usb_modeswitch.rules and see if it's possible to tweak the rules to avoid this. Or just create an empty 19d2:0031 config to disable the second switch. But that is only a local workaround, since there are devices with this ID shich need switching. Bjørn -- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-usb" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at