Re: [PATCH v2 0/5] usb: cdc-wdm: subdriver support

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On Tue, 2012-02-07 at 09:49 +0100, Bjørn Mork wrote:
> Dan Williams <dcbw@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> > On Wed, 2012-02-01 at 16:05 +0100, Bjørn Mork wrote:
> >> Another version of the subdriver patch set for your review.
> >> 
> >> Changes in v2:
> >>  - autoresume on open lock bugfix is integrated
> >>  - manage_power support (setting needs_remote_wakeup on a shared interface) for
> >>    subdriver is added
> >>  - two qmi_wwan patches have been included to illustrate how this is supposed
> >>    to be used, and to ease testing
> >> 
> >> These patches should be applied on top of what's currently in linux-next. 
> >
> > I've confirmed that this patchset works to talk QMI to the UML290 and
> > Gobi 2000 devices I have.  I haven't gotten to the point of trying an
> > actual connect sequence (thus testing the net bits), but I can talk with
> > the devices over QMI with cdc-wdmX.
> Thanks for testing.  Good to know that the matching logic works.
> Now I'm quite confident that you are able to and want to write the
> connection software, but if you or anyone else are interested in the
> primitive script I'm using then here it is.  This was intented for my
> own use so it's quite Debian specific and not very fail safe.  But it's
> a start for anyone who wants to try the driver.
> Please no flames for the perl ;-)

Hah, no problem.  Thanks for posting it, otherwise I'd end up hacking up
my tool for it too.  One odd thing; my Gobi works just fine, but the
UML290 appears to send responses for commands that aren't the command I
sent to it.  I'm not sure what's turning those unsolicited responses on,
but I hadn't yet gotten around to having my test tool (which just
creates a WDS client and tries to grab the MEID) wait for the
appropriate response and ignore unsolicited ones. Anyway...

> Yes, I know I should contribute to ModemManager instead, but I'll have
> to learn some python first...

It's actually written in C, but the decode stuff I wrote in python since
it's much quicker for tools like that than C is.  Kinda like perl.

> BTW, you are probably already aware of all the necessary features of a
> fullblown modem manager, but I just found one feature I've never needed
> before: The ability to manually trigger a network search. The test
> network I'm using supports handover from LTE to UMTS/GSM but not the
> other way.  This means that I often end up using UMTS even if LTE is
> available when I've been moving through areas without LTE.
> With QMI the appropriate way to do this seems to be sending QMI_NAS
> set to the exact same value it was before (which can be checked with
> QMI_NAS command 0x0034).  This immediately starts a new search without
> changing any roaming or other network selection settings. And I end up
> with LTE again.

Interesting; there's also NAS/Perform Network Scan (command #33) which
might work here.

> The disadvantage of doing a network search is of course that any
> connection will be lost.  But until I found the QMI_NAS command I had to
> unplug/replug the modem to move from UMTS to LTE so it's still an
> improvement to me.
> I assume that my soecific problem is temporary and only due to the
> current limited access to this LTE network.  But the feature may still
> be useful.

Probably; once your provider and the device firmware support handup from
UMTS to LTE it'll go away.


> Bjørn
> plain text document attachment (qmi-ifupdown)
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> #
> # /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/qmi
> # /etc/network/if-post-down.d/qmi
> #
> # Copyright 2012 Bjørn Mork <bjorn@xxxxxxx>
> #
> # This script is an addition to Debian's ifupdown and establishes wwan
> # connection using the Qualcomm propietary QMI protocol
> #
> # Place this file in /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/ and create a symlink to
> # /etc/network/if-post-down.d/
> # 
> # The wwan interface is configured like this, where all variables are
> # optional unless required by your subscription
> #
> # iface wwan0 inet dhcp
> #   wwan_pin  "1234"
> #   wwan_apn  "my.provider.apn"
> #   wwan_user "username"
> #   wwan_pw   "password"
> #   # enable script debugging
> #   wwan_debug 1
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> use constant {
>     QMI_CTL => 0,
>     QMI_WDS => 1,
>     QMI_DMS => 2,
> };
> # output control
> my $verbose = $ENV{'VERBOSITY'};
> my $debug = $ENV{'IF_WWAN_DEBUG'};
> # this is required
> my $netdev = $ENV{'IFACE'} || die "No IFACE environment variable\n";
> my $cmd;
> if ($ENV{'PHASE'} eq 'pre-up') {
>     $cmd = 'start';
> } elsif ($ENV{'PHASE'} eq 'post-down') {
>     $cmd = 'stop';
> } else {
>     exit 0;
> }
> # need to keep some external state
> my $state = "/etc/network/run/qmistate.$netdev";
> # per interface config
> my $pin  = &strip_quotes($ENV{'IF_WWAN_PIN'});
> my $apn  = &strip_quotes($ENV{'IF_WWAN_APN'});
> my $user = &strip_quotes($ENV{'IF_WWAN_USER'});
> my $pw   = &strip_quotes($ENV{'IF_WWAN_PW'});
> # internal state
> my $dev;		# management device
> my @cid;		# array of allocated CIDs
> my $tid = 1;		# transaction id
> my $wds_handle;		# connection handle
> sub strip_quotes {
>     my ($stripped) = $_[0] ? ($_[0] =~ /^"?([^"]*)"?$/) : ('');
>     return $stripped;
> }
> sub debug_print {
>     my ($pfx, $packet) = @_;
>     printf STDERR $pfx . " %02x" x length($packet) . "\n", unpack("C*", $packet);
> }
> # use the first cdc-wdmX dev on the same USB device as IFACE for mgmt
> sub get_mgmt_dev {
>     my $ret = '';
>     my $usbdev = readlink("/sys/class/net/$netdev/device");
>     $usbdev =~ s!.*/([^:]*):.*!$1!; # ../../../2-1:1.4
>     return $ret if (!$usbdev);
>     opendir(D, "/sys/class/usb") || return $ret;
>     while (my $f = readdir(D)) { # cdc-wdm0 -> ../../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.7/usb2/2-1/2-1:1.3/usb/cdc-wdm0
> 	next unless ($f =~ /^cdc-wdm/);
> 	if (readlink("/sys/class/usb/$f") =~ m!/$usbdev/$usbdev:.*/usb/cdc-wdm!) { # found it!
> 	    $ret = "/dev/$f";
> 	    last;
> 	}
>     }
>     closedir(D);
>     return $ret;
> }
> ### QMI helpers ###
> # $tlvs = { type1 => packdata, type2 => packdata, .. 
> sub mk_qmi {
>     my ($sys, $cid, $msgid, $tlvs) = @_;
>     # create tlvbytes
>     my $tlvbytes = '';
>     foreach my $tlv (keys %$tlvs) {
> 	$tlvbytes .= pack("Cv", $tlv, length($tlvs->{$tlv})) . $tlvs->{$tlv};
>     }
>     # create message
>     my $tlvlen = length($tlvbytes);
>     if ($sys != QMI_CTL) {
> 	return pack("CvCCCCvvv", 1, 12 + $tlvlen, 0, $sys, $cid, 0, $tid++, $msgid, $tlvlen) . $tlvbytes;
>     } else {
> 	return pack("CvCCCCCvv", 1, 11 + $tlvlen, 0, QMI_CTL, 0, 0, $tid++, $msgid, $tlvlen) . $tlvbytes;
>     }
> }
> # decode packet into hash     
> sub decode_qmi {
>     my $packet = shift || return {};
>     my $ret = {};
>     @$ret{'tf','len','ctrl','sys','cid'} = unpack("CvCCC", $packet);
>     # sanity check
>     return {} unless ($ret->{tf} == 1);
>     # tid is 1 byte for QMI_CTL and 2 bytes for the others...
>     @$ret{'flags','tid','msgid','tlvlen'} = unpack($ret->{sys} == QMI_CTL ? "CCvv" : "Cvvv" , substr($packet, 6));
>     my $tlvlen = $ret->{'tlvlen'};
>     my $tlvs = substr($packet, $ret->{'sys'} == QMI_CTL ? 12 : 13 );
>     # unpack the tlvs
>      while ($tlvlen > 0) {
> 	my ($tlv, $len) = unpack("Cv", $tlvs);
> 	$ret->{'tlvs'}{$tlv} = [ unpack("C*", substr($tlvs, 3, $len)) ];
> 	$tlvlen -= $len + 3;
> 	$tlvs = substr($tlvs, $len + 3);
>      }
>     return $ret;
> }
> # check if two QMI messages are part of the same transaction
> sub qmi_match {
>     my ($q1, $q2) = @_;
>     for my $f (qw(tf ctrl flags sys cid msgid)) {
> 	return undef unless (exists($q1->{$f}) && exists($q2->{$f}) && $q1->{$f} == $q2->{$f});
>     }
>     return 1;
> }
> # read from the already open F until match or timeout
> sub read_match {
>     my $match = shift;
>     my $timeout = shift;
>     my $qmi_in = {};
>     eval {
> 	local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" }; # NB: \n required
> 	my $raw;
> 	my $found;
> 	alarm $timeout;
> 	do {
> 	    if (!$raw) {
> 		my $len = sysread(F, $raw, 256);
> 		$found = 1 if !$len; # break out of loop in signal
> 		&debug_print("<<", $raw) if $debug;
> 	    }
> 	    $qmi_in = &decode_qmi($raw);
> 	    # a single read may return more than one packet!
> 	    if ($qmi_in->{tf}) {
> 		$raw = substr($raw, $qmi_in->{len} + 1);
> 	    } else {
> 		$raw = '';
> 	    }
> 	    # matching reply?
> 	    $found ||= &qmi_match($match, $qmi_in);
> 	} while (!$found);
> 	alarm 0;
>     };
>     if ($@) {
> 	die unless $@ eq "alarm\n";   # propagate unexpected errors
>     }
>     return  $qmi_in;
> }
> # send $cmd to the already open F and wait for a reply
> sub send_and_recv {
>     my $cmd = shift;
>     my $timeout = shift || 5;
>     return {} unless $cmd;
>     &debug_print(">>", $cmd) if $debug;
>     print F $cmd;
>     # set up for matching
>     my $qmi_out = &decode_qmi($cmd);
>     $qmi_out->{flags} = $qmi_out->{sys} ? 0x02 : 0x01; # response
>     $qmi_out->{ctrl} = 0x80;  # service
>     my $qmi_in = &read_match($qmi_out, $timeout);
>     return $qmi_in;
> }
> # get status TLV error code
> sub verify_status {
>     my $qmi = shift;
>     return 1 if ((ref($qmi) ne "HASH") || !exists($qmi->{tf}));         # QMI_ERR_MALFORMED_MSG 
>     return 0 if (!exists($qmi->{tlvs}) || !exists($qmi->{tlvs}{0x02})); # QMI_ERR_NONE
>     return unpack("v", pack("C*", @{$qmi->{tlvs}{0x02}}[2..3]));
> }
> ## QMI_CTL commands
> # allocate a client ID for $sys
> sub get_cid {
>     my $sys = shift;
>     return $cid[$sys] if $cid[$sys];
>     # QMI_CTL request client ID
>     my $req = &mk_qmi(QMI_CTL, 0, 0x0022, {0x01 => pack("C*", $sys)});
> restart:
>     my $ret = &send_and_recv($req);
>     my $status = &verify_status($ret);
>     if (!$status && $ret->{tlvs}{0x01}[0] == $sys) {
> 	$cid[$sys] = $ret->{tlvs}{0x01}[1];
>     } else {
> 	if ($status == 0x0005) { # QMI_ERR_CLIENT_IDS_EXHAUSTED
> 	    if (!&ctl_sync) { # reset to clean state
> 		goto restart;
> 	    }
> 	}
> 	warn "$netdev: CID request for sys=$sys failed: $status\n";
>     }
>     return $cid[$sys];
> }
> # release all CIDs with the possible exception of QMI_WDS if we started a connection
> sub release_cids {
>     for (my $sys = 0; $sys < scalar @cid; $sys++) {
> 	if ($cid[$sys]) {
> 	    if ($wds_handle && $sys == QMI_WDS) {
> 		warn "$netdev: not releasing QMI_WDS cid=$cid[$sys] while connected\n" if $verbose;
> 		next;
> 	    }
> 	    my $req = &mk_qmi(QMI_CTL, 0, 0x0023, {0x01 => pack("C*", $sys, $cid[$sys])});
>  	    my $ret = &send_and_recv($req);
> 	    printf STDERR "$netdev: released sys=$sys cid=$cid[$sys] with status=0x%04x\n",  &verify_status($ret) if $verbose;
> 	    $cid[$sys] = 0;
> 	}
>     }
> }
> # sending a QMI_CTL SYNC message will release all allocated CIDs and
> # therefore also disconnect device!
> sub ctl_sync {
>     my $req = &mk_qmi(QMI_CTL, 0, 0x0027);
>     my $ret = &send_and_recv($req);
>     my $status = &verify_status($ret);
>     if (!$status) {
> 	# reset all cached state as it is now invalid
> 	@cid = ();
> 	$wds_handle = 0;
>     }
>     return $status;
> }
> # will receive a QMI_CTL sync notification when device is ready after
> # PIN verification
> sub wait_for_sync_ind {
>     my $timeout = shift || 5;
>     # set up for matching
>     my $match = {
> 	tf => 1,
> 	sys => 0,
> 	cid => 0,
> 	flags => 0x02,
> 	ctrl => 0x80,
> 	msgid => 0x0027,
>     };
>     my $qmi_in = &read_match($match, $timeout);
>     return exists($qmi_in->{tf});
> }
> sub mk_wds {
>     my $cid = &get_cid(QMI_WDS);
>     return undef if (!$cid);
>     return &mk_qmi(QMI_WDS, $cid, @_);
> }
> sub mk_dms {
>     my $cid = &get_cid(QMI_DMS);
>     return undef if (!$cid);
>     return &mk_qmi(QMI_DMS, $cid, @_);
> }
> ## QMI_WDS commands
> # QMI_WDS 0x0020
> sub wds_start_network_interface {
>     # check PIN status first
>     if (!&dms_verify_pin) {
> 	warn "$netdev: cannot connect without PIN verification\n";
> 	return 1;
>     }
>     my %tlv;
>     $tlv{0x14} = $apn if $apn;
>     $tlv{0x17} = $user if $user;
>     $tlv{0x18} = $pw if $pw;
>     my $req = mk_wds(0x0020, \%tlv); # QMI_WDS_START_NETWORK_INTERFACE
>     warn "$netdev: connecting...\n" if $verbose;
>     # need to save handle (and WMS CID!!!) for disconnect
>     my $ret = &send_and_recv($req, 60);
>     my $status = &verify_status($ret);
>     if ($status) {
> 	my $v = $ret->{tlvs}{0x11}; # Verbose Call End Reason
> 	if ($v) {
> 	    printf STDERR "$netdev: connection failed - status=0x%04x, type=0x%04x, reason=%04x\n", $status, unpack("v2", pack("C*", @$v));
> 	} else {
> 	    printf STDERR "$netdev: connection failed - status=0x%04x\n", $status;
> 	}
> 	return $status;
>     }
>     my $v = $ret->{tlvs}{0x01};
>     $wds_handle = unpack("V*", pack("C*", @$v)); # save as a 32bit integer
>     printf STDERR "$netdev: got QMI_WDS handle 0x%08x\n", $wds_handle if $verbose;
>     return $status;
> }
> # QMI_WDS 0x0021
> sub wds_stop_network_interface {
>     return 1 if !$wds_handle; # cannot disconnect without a valid handle
>     my $req = mk_wds(0x0021, { 0x01 => pack("V", $wds_handle) } ); # QMI_WDS_STOP_NETWORK_INTERFACE
>     my $ret = &send_and_recv($req);
>     $wds_handle = 0; # reset handle to allow releasing the CID
>     return &verify_status($ret);
> }
> # QMI_WDS 0x0022
> sub wds_get_pkt_srvc_status {
>     my $ret = &send_and_recv(&mk_wds(0x0022), 2); # QMI_WDS_GET_PKT_SRVC_STATUS,  short timeout
>     my $status = verify_status($ret);
>     if ($status) {
> 	warn "$netdev: wds_get_pkt_srvc_status: $status\n" if $verbose;
> 	return 0;
>     }
>     my $v = $ret->{tlvs}{0x01};
>     return $v ? $v->[0] : 0;
> }
> ## QMI_DMS commands
> # QMI_DMS 0x0023
> sub dms_get_device_rev_id {
>     my $ret = &send_and_recv(&mk_dms(0x0023)); # QMI_DMS_GET_DEVICE_REV_ID
>     my $v = $ret->{tlvs}{0x01};
>     return '' if (!$v);
>     return pack("C*", @$v);
> }
> # QMI_DMS 0x0028
> sub dms_enter_pin {
>     unless ($pin) {
> 	warn "$netdev: No PIN configured\n" if $verbose;
> 	return undef;
>     }
>     my $req = &mk_dms(0x0028,  # QMI_DMS_UIM_VERIFY_PIN
> 		      { 0x01 => pack("C*", 1, length($pin)) . $pin});
>     my $ret = &send_and_recv($req);
>     my $status = &verify_status($ret);
>     if ($status) {
> 	warn "$netdev: PIN verification failed: $status\n";
> 	return undef;
>     }
>     # wait for device to be ready
>     &wait_for_sync_ind(20);
>     return 1;
> }
> # QMI_DMS 0x002b - get SIM PIN status
> sub dms_verify_pin {
>     my $ret = &send_and_recv(&mk_dms(0x002b)); # QMI_DMS_UIM_GET_PIN_STATUS
>     my $status = &verify_status($ret);
>     if ($status) {
> 	warn "$netdev: PIN verfication failed: $status\n";
> 	warn "$netdev: SIM card missing?\n" if ($status == 0x0003); # QMI_ERR_INTERNAL
> 	return undef;
>     }
>     my $tlv = $ret->{tlvs}{0x11}; # PIN1 (SIM PIN) status
>     warn "$netdev: PIN1 status: $tlv->[0], verify_left: $tlv->[1], unblock_left: $tlv->[2]\n" if $verbose;
>     return 1 if ($tlv->[0] == 2 || $tlv->[0] == 3); # "enabled, verified" or "disabled"
>     if ($tlv->[0] == 1) { # "enabled, not verified"
> 	if ($tlv->[1] >= 3) { # requiring at least 3 remaining attempts
> 	    return &dms_enter_pin;
> 	} else {
> 	    warn "$netdev: less than 3 verification attempts left for PIN1 - must be entered manually!\n" if $verbose;
> 	}
>     }
>     return undef;
> }
> ## external state management
> sub save_wds_state {
>     if (open(X, ">$state")) {
> 	if ($wds_handle) {
> 	    printf X "%u %u\n", $cid[QMI_WDS], $wds_handle;
> 	}
> 	close X;
>     } else {
> 	warn "$netdev: FATAL: cannot open \"$state\": $!\n";
> 	$wds_handle = 0; # will cause disconnect when CID is released
>     }
> }
> sub read_wds_state {
>     if (!open(X, $state)) { # this is to be expected if we never saved any...
> 	warn "$netdev: unable to open $state: $!\n" if $debug;
> 	return;
>     }
>     my $x = <X>;
>     close X;
>     ($cid[QMI_WDS], $wds_handle) = split(/ /, $x) if $x;
>     # verify that the state is valid
>     my $conn = &wds_get_pkt_srvc_status;
>     if ($conn != 2) { # CONNECTED;
> 	$wds_handle = 0; # handle is invalid
>     }
>     if (!$conn) {
> 	$cid[QMI_WDS] = 0;  # CID is invalid
>     }
>     $wds_handle ||= 0;
>     printf STDERR "$netdev: QMI_WDS cid=%u, wds_handle=0x%08x\n", $cid[QMI_WDS], $wds_handle if $verbose;
> }
> # restore sane state on exit
> sub exit_proc {
>     &save_wds_state; # save state for next run
>     &release_cids;   # release all releasable CIDs
>     close(F);        # close device
> }
> ## main
> # locate the (possibly QMI) management character device
> $dev = &get_mgmt_dev || exit 0;
> warn "$netdev: will use $dev for management\n" if $verbose;
> # open character device
> open(F, "+<", $dev) || die "open $dev: $!\n";
> autoflush F 1;
> # at this point we'd like to ensure that CIDs are released on exit
> $SIG{TERM} = \&exit_proc;
> $SIG{INT} = \&exit_proc;
> # verify that it speaks QMI
> my $revid = &dms_get_device_rev_id || exit 0;
> warn "$netdev: revision: $revid\n" if $verbose;
> # get and verify cached data, so we can reuse the QMI_WDS CID at least
> &read_wds_state;
> &wds_start_network_interface if ($cmd eq 'start');
> &wds_stop_network_interface if ($cmd eq 'stop');
> &exit_proc;

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