Are you trying to install slackware or is it already installed? I
suspect the slackware installer has a kernel that does not contain the
patch that letsspeakup talk to a litetalk. Once you getslackware
installed, you could probably ssh to the machine, download and patch the
kernel source code, and recompile the kernel. But I'd be surprised if a
litetalk would work with the installer for any distro out there. Maybe
vinux or sonar.
If I was really desperate to use slackware, I'd probably try booting
from a live slackware ISO and enable ssh. Then I'd ssh to the machine
and do a manual install. I don't know about slackware but debian has a
program called debbootstrap that installs all necessary packages except
a kernel. So you have to partition the disk, run debbootstrap, install a
kernel and reboot. If there is something like debbootstrap for
slackware, it might not be too difficult.
I recently switched to vinux and have been pretty happy. But I used to
be a debian user so the transition to vinux wasn't too difficult.
On 11/04/2014 05:00 AM, Jude DaShiell wrote:
I have an amd athelon k8 northbridge processor dual core machine with
1,000MB of memory on it and a litetalk synthesizer attached to its only
serial port and keying in boot parameters almost as soon as starting the
machine also fails on this hardware. I can't do anything with slackware
on the laptops I have since if those have serial ports, those ports have 9
holes rather than 9 pins and the litetalk synthesizers do not come with
dual serial plugs one with holes and the other with pins and I don't have
the necessary cable to bend the gender. When I moved out of Maryland I
left too much technology there by other people's choices and where I'm at
now I may be able to shop for technology once in a five year period of
time. Slackware needs to start emulating debian by making a boot beep
happen at the boot prompt on their installation disks otherwise whatever
other hardware I get in the future makes no sense to even consider that
distribution. The company is either unwilling or incapable of getting
their subscription shipping problem straightened out too.
jude <jdashiel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Twitter: @jdashiel
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