Jason sent the below to the Orca list, but I suspect there are many here who could happily tell Webaim they still use Speakup and Lynx. http://webaim.org/projects/screenreadersurvey5/ I can confirm that Webaim's survey can be completed using Speakup and Lynx. I just responded that way myself. Just as for those naming Orca as their screen reader, you'll have to select "Other" when naming your SR, and provide more specifics in the comments text box, but I'd like to encourage people here to do that. It would be good, imo, for these folks to hear from this community, too. Janina Jason White writes: > WebAIM are conducting a survey of screen reader users. While it isn't all > about numbers by any means, it would be valuable for them to have a good > sample of Orca users. > http://webaim.org/projects/screenreadersurvey5/ > -- Janina Sajka, Phone: +1.443.300.2200 sip:janina at asterisk.rednote.net Email: janina at rednote.net Linux Foundation Fellow Executive Chair, Accessibility Workgroup: http://a11y.org The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) Chair, Protocols & Formats http://www.w3.org/wai/pf Indie UI http://www.w3.org/WAI/IndieUI/