Hello, I know that some of this is slightly off topic, but I know that there are people with knowledge of this and it is still sort of relevant for such a list. I am looking at adding speech output to a program I am writing, and am wondering about the best way to achieve the style of speech (eg. pauses in the correct places, correct punctuation level spoken, etc) for this. I know of (heard of, but don't know much about) things like SSML, would this be what I need to look at? Also I like the idea of using systems like speech-dispatcher as it would support many synths but only needing me to interface my code to one system, but would speech-dispatcher (and as I want it to be cross platform useable, I suppose sapi as well) be good enough to maintain the precise spoken style I need/want for this? Might it be better to work with one synth espeak and use the control systems provided there? From Michael Whapples