First of all, what's written up on the fedoraproject site itself about the extras repository having been rolled into the Everything repository is not supported by links I could find in the fedoraproject repositories section of the web site. I did find an extras repository on the fedoraproject site and on other fedoraproject site mirrors though. Third, I did not originally try to download anything from the fedoraproject site itself I did use instructions provided by another one of the mirrors and ran yum update. So how do I know the fedora project repom file was broken when I tried that update? Simple, yum was directed by its own technology to visit the fedoraproject site itself and that's when I heard that error message. Were the mirror's instructions correct, I don't know and probably nobody on this list will be able to prove one way or the other without access to the web site's robots.txt file. I cleared the mess off my system so nothing is broken for now.