Hi. I have an Apollo II speech synthesizer which I want to be able to use with Speakup. I have succeeded in getting Speakup to work with it from Slackware 8 and 9 installation media, although I haven't used Speakup for two years or so. I have however tested the Apollo and its com port connection successfully under Dos and Windows. I have as yet no experience with compiling my own kernel, although this is something I intend to rectify once I have a working Linux system. I downloaded the Speakup Net-Install ISO image of Sarge from <http://people.debian.org/~shane/netinst-speakup/>, and burned it to a cd. I've tried supplying speakup speakup_synth=apolo and speakup26 speakup_synth=apolo at the CD's boot prompt, but Speakup does not seem to be able to find my Apollo. I have verified that the installer does start after both commands. I've also tried downloading the floppy images from the Debian boot disks area on the Speakup ftp site. However, I still get no speech when supplying the linux speakup_synth=apolo command at the boot floppy's prompt. I have tested the CD and floppy on two computers with the same Apollo connected to the first serial port, with the same result i.e. no speech. I would like to be able to run through a talking installation of Debian. Is this possible, and if so what can I do to debug the problem? Thank you very much for any assistance you may be able to offer me. Darren