Oh dear, I'm very sorry. My poor adled brain mixed up to urls and ended up giving you the wrong one: The place to buy the Snom 320 is: http://www.voip-supply.com You can learn about the phone at Snom's web site at: http://www.snom.com Oh, and the address I got my message confused with is actually a great resource for all things voip, even though it has far too many links in its nav bar: http://www.voip-info.org All three of these are usable with lynx the cat. I bought my Snom 320 from Voip Supply using the cat. What's so cool about it? Well how does talking caller ID on the phone's speaker strike you? I have it working as of this morning. Very, very cool. Now, don't get me wrong. Snom isn't giving you talking caller ID. It's a hack and it involves a bash script and some clever statements in Asterisk. More on that later. Just think of this as breaking news. What is cool about the Snom is that the web interface to configure the phone is very accessible right out of the box. Janina