Hi. I'm not seeing the same problems running a DECtalk express with the latest speakup. See below for differences. On Tue, Sep 14, 2004 at 06:31:40AM -0700, Hart Larry wrote: > Well, Kirk-and-All, the appostrafee has never worked correctly in > processing words in the 11 months I've been running Linux. I also have this problem don't sounds like don t. > Some other outstanding concerns, if numbers-and-letters are mixed, they are > spelled, so if I were to write speakup4you my decpc will say s p e a k u p > 4u. Also, and this may be a dectalkism but if there are 2 consecutive > punctuations after a word, I think it also spells it out? Sounds like this is special to the DECtalk PC. I don't have the same problems with my DECtalk express. > While reading with l y n x if I use a tab key, it will sometimes read the > sameword many times over-and-over-and-over. I don't use the tab key in lynx. I use up and down arrows to move from link to link. If there are several links on the same line, the line gets repeated as I move from link to link. This happens no matter what synth I use. It is a result of the display of the page. Read word usually tells me what link is actually selected. What happens if you turn off cursor tracking on pages with this problem? > Also, if there are 2 consecutive dashes it says semi : > I didn't notice many of these items useing dectalk with Vocal-eyes or Jaws. > Thanks > Hart > I don't understand what you mean. Two dashes say "dash dash". for me. Just for the record, the DECtalk software behaves different from my DECtalk express. Sounds like the DECtalk PC has the same problem. Hope this helps. Kenny