Hi there, Since I've been using Speakup, I've noticed an annoyance which should probably be brought up here. Aparently, Speakup doesn't send any kind of character E.G. space or something, to a Dectalk Express when it encounters a newline. Thus, if a word is followed immediately by a newline E.G. no punctuation, space, etc, the next word will be run together with the first word. For example, the text This is a test. would be spoken as Thisisatest. That is actually nice when you have normal text, but when you have information on lines E.G. an Apple II emulator session running, etc. it can be an annoyance. Another problem is with words with appostrophies in them. Hope I spelled that right! Aparently, those aren't noted, or are treated like spaces. E.G. the word "doesn't" is spoken as "doesn t". There's also a problem with sometimes digits not being spoken. It's hard to exactly pinpoint this one though. Are there any patches for the latest CVS Speakup which fix any of these problems, or is fixing them planned? Thanks.