Hello folks, I have just installed Slackware 9.1 onto a computer using my Braille Lite for the synthesizer during installation. When I login as root, though, the commands setserial /dev/ttys0 uart none modprobe speakup_bns do nothing. Since a sound card is not enabled by default, I can't figure out exactly what's going on here. When asked for the kernel version to use, I copied the kernel from the speakup.s floppy so I would be able to use Speakup when I booted into Slackware. Did I mis something here? Stephen Clower, that guy from the south. You can reach me by any of the following: E-Mail: steve at steve-audio.net MSN: steve at steve-audio.net AIM: AudioRabbit03 You can also check out my little home on the web by visiting http://www.steve-audio.net