no matter what platform you're running, software speech by it's very nature slows down the machine. I find when I'm broadcasting to a shoutcast server from my windows machine I end up with a stram that's sounding slightly distorted and with a wacky reverb that geoff shang can testify to as he's heard it happen. the problem I think is that software speech is almost as resource hungry as your audio apps out there and places unnecissary load on the system when you're doing intensive disk work e.g. laying down an audio track for your up coming masterpiece. the result of this unnecissary load is dropout in your recording or skipping. either one will result in your having to go back and redo the recording all over again. -- Shaun Oliver "I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person." email: shaun_oliver at WEB: IRC: IRCNICK: blindman