I've been dabbling around a bit with the idea of using initrd to load the speakup modules. So far, I've read /usr/src/linux/Documentation more than once and looked at an actual initrd image from slackware 9.1. But I'm a bit confused. I'm guessing initrd needs to contain a completely bootable system within its file system? What about the additional modules I want to load such as Speakup? Do I have to copy those modules out of the normal place and copy them into initrd? What documentation I've read so far doesn't really offer me any small examples I can use for my purposes. The slackware one is interesting but sure seems like over kill to merely load some extra modules at early boot time. Am I possibly going about this the wrong way? Right now, I have Speakup loading in my rc.modules file and that isn't bad for now but That doesn't give me the option to change synthesizers from one boot to the next either. Anyone have any ideas out there? Thanks. -- HolmesGrown Solutions The best solutions for the best price! http://ld.net/?holmesgrown