oK, let's take this in to context now that I have had a bit of time to look closer into it... Yes, it is true, that judice did betray, and that Peter did deny, but Thomas firstly was a disciple not a book of the Bible... Remember when Christ entered the upper room and and Thomas said, lord, if it's really you, then allow me to see for myself? and Christ told him to put his hand in his side? when he did, he proclaimed, my lord, my Lord, you are! the son of God! Then what did he tell Thomas? it is because of you seeing that you have believed... Blessid are those who believe but have not seen... As far as taking the Bible out of context, again, you're right, but the scripture from proverbs, that i quoted was taken straight from the text... The Bible can't contridict itself... Either it is! the Word, and is truth, and life, or it's a total lie, which thus would be saying that God is a liar, and Satan is not... it can't be a two-way road... Chris.