I expect there will be several options competing for your dollar over the next several months. As is so often the case in technology, they don't seem to arrive at the store when advertised but a bit later. Still, it's reasonable to expect options. We did make inroads for accessibility this past year with the telecommunications industry. Keeping the heat on will help put us over the top. So, ask in the stores, and keep those Sec. 255 complaints coming on all aspects of telecommunications accessibility--products, manuals, service, all of that. Deedra Waters writes: > From: Deedra Waters <dmwaters at gentoo.org> > > -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- > Hash: SHA1 > > Actually, right now I'm mainly looking at options. my phone is on the verge of dying, and it would be really nice to have a phone that I don't have to have someone read to me. >