*SNIP* After all, who will ever need more than 640K of RAM? *SNIP* Who indeed. I think mr. gates at the time was undoubtedly missinformed. now I don't claim to agree with everything janina says, however, I don't think she's always correct either. come to think of it, we're all guilty of not being entirely correct when it comes to accessability or the like. instead of flaming each other, as 2 posters have been doing throughout this damned thread, hows about we see some of the evidence which was so eloquently asked for in the first place, and not this constant bitching and bickerig about what tag will work or will not work. I don't claim to know all there is to know about html because fact is I don't, if there's a quick and dirty hack that can be used until a suitable replacement is put in place, why not for christ sakes. it's not as if it's going to be there for all time, agreed, we should strive to adhear to accessability guidlines as best we can but it is not always doable. let's just get on with the business of helping instead of flaming. -- Shaun Oliver "Becareful of the toes u step on today, they maybe connected to the ass you have to kiss tomorrow!" EMAIL: shaun_oliver at optusnet.com.au ICQ: 76958435 YAHOO: blindman01_2000 MSN: blindman_2001 at hotmail.com AIM: captain nemo 200 IRC: irc.awesomechat.net:6666 IRCNICK: blindman CHANNELS: #awesomeradio #mircpopup-magic #linux #help #ourworld #audiofile #mauisun