Hi, I did try making speakup talk to the bns (Braille Lite) at 38400 baud, but it really didn't speed anything up anyway. I've played around with some of the run-time speakup variables and have got the bns and speakup the most responsive as possible, which is actually pretty good. How ever, the only one big problem I am having is that for some reason speakup sends the bns the shutup command always one block after it should have been sent. A few examples: if I constantly press enter at a normal bash prompt ("nebula:~#"), it sounds like this: "nebulanebnebnebnebnebnebnebnebnebnebnebnebnebneb<I stop pressing enter>nebnebula:~#" (the shutup command seemed to be one off, so it was able to say the first full "nebula" instead of just "neb"). Another one is if I press enter once at a prompt and then press the control key straight after... like, n a split second after it says ":". Another example is arrowing up and down in vim or Joe. The cursor tracking works fine, but again, it *seems* to be laggy because the shutup command is not given till one block after it is supposed to. so, technically it is finishing off reading the last line (well at least up to a punctuation mark) before it reads the next. But again, if I constantly press the down arrow key, it will read the first block fully then do all its shutup commands fine from there on. How ever, when I am just typing, it is saying the keys as responsively as it could be, there is certainly not a delay in normal key presses. If anyone has any idea why this may be happening, or how to possibly fix this, I'd love to here from you. Kirk: You were right in saying that because I asked how to change baud rate, this showed my lack of understanding of the drivers etc, but the only reason I asked in that way was because I know you hate people asking for you to change things, or add features etc. And if it was possible for *me* to do it, well, yeh... save you doing it and, more experience for me. :) I'm very slowly upping my knowledge of C anyway ... the other week I wrote myself a very primitive pcm player, with a few effects like echo, fake karaoke, mono, out of phayse, and flanger (that one was the hardist to write). Mick -- --- Michael D. Curran WWW: http://redgum.bendigo.latrobe.edu.au/~mdcurran/ Email: mick at jantrid.net MSN: mick at jantrid.net AOL: manchi2003 Yahoo: manchi20032000 ICQ UIN: 113763334