I can't seem to find the right way to do this. I have compiled linux-2.4.20 and now want to copy the completed source tree to a directory linux-2.4.20-sp. I don't want to just move it, because I still also want the copy that is linux-2.4.20. If I use "cp" with -a -r or -R, the subdirectories are copied but so is the top directory. So I end up with linux-2.4.20-sp but with linux-2.4.20 beneath it; I want everything under the linux-2.4.20 copied recursively to linux-2.4.20-sp; but without linux-2.4.20 at the top. I know this may sound confusing. To put it another way, I want to copy to the new directory everything you would get if you did an "ls" of the old directory, plus I want to copy recursively; I just now want it all to be under linux-2.4.20-sp with no linux-2.4.20 directory present. but I still want to maintain the original tree from which I am copying. Without having to go into linux-2.4.20 and copy each file in that directory and each directory recursively over to linux-2.4.20-sp, Is there a way to do this? Thanks. Cheryl