Patrick Turnage writes: > > I heard a long time ago about some kind of hack to the > doubletalk that would allow it to speak faster, but I'm not even sure it > has been a while.. Maybe it was the lite talk.. I used to always buy my Doubletalk/Litetalks directly from Larry Skutchan because his seemed to go faster. Unless I'm totally losing it, he told me once, a very long time ago, that he'd done something to make that happen, but I don't know what. It may even have been burning his own ROMs. There was definitely a difference, because at AFB, we had both Larry's and Randy's units side by side. You could always tell, because the power supplies and power jacks between Larry's and Randy's units where NOT interchangeable. They weren't the same size, physically. I don't think MicroTalk is in this business any longer, however.