Hi I didn't think the doubletalk spoke hex, I think the doubletalk only uses decimal values for it's voice settings. the command summary and parameters for passing to doubletalk are documented well in the manual. I heard a long time ago about some kind of hack to the doubletalk that would allow it to speak faster, but I'm not even sure it has been a while.. Maybe it was the lite talk.. Maybe some knowledgable person can fill it in. Patrick ------------------------- Patrick Turnage e-mail:pturnage at tampabay.rr.com Telephone: (850) 459-7717 HomePage: http://www.access-connect.com Amateur radio callsign:kg4dqk AOL Instant Messenger:kg4dqk icq:26862191 MSN:turnagep at hotmail.com Yahoo!:kg4dqk America Online:kg4dqk1129 kg4dqk1129 at aol.com