Ok, please lets not get on this topic of what is expensive and is not and to who what expensive means. I paid $400 for the scanner I own now and to me it was expensive, but it'll do what I want and worked with my Linux box. Well it should once I finish getting things configured, but the point is scanners are pretty inexpensive and Linux has more support now then previously. Got check out http://www.computergeeks.com for some really good deals on scanners. However, rtfm on what scanners are supported first. Me, I personally bought a scanner that would do both scsi and usb cause I wanted it to work now not later. Of course this was about 2 years ago when I first started trying to get the thing working with Linux. Today I finally got around to trying scanimage and gocr; thanks Janina for mentioning them. If you really need ocr ability, then use what you must to get the job done. If you can get it working under Linux, that's great!! I for one choose to sit on my pricy device till I got it working under Linux. Yeah, I'm slow to getting on something.:) On Sun, Sep 22, 2002 at 03:21:17PM -0500, Gregory Nowak wrote: > When I baught my current scanner, it cost me $120. For me, that isn't small change. > > Greg