yDedra: Do you have two alt keys? There's a keymap that distinguishes between them so that you can get different functions from the right and left alt keys. Also, does your portable have a ps2 connection port? Often, in order to attach a qwerty keyboard, you can't just plug it into this port, you must get a y connector to pass the keyboard through. This is the way it works with all of the IBM Thinkpads I've had, including this one I'm writing on now as the conference I'm attending proceeds. Yes, I'm on an ethernet connection in a hotel during a meeting with my Thinkpad. By the way, we lost something when our screen review went to numlock off. I think, Mr. Kirk, I'd like to protest and ask for reconsideration on that. Here's the problem. I have no way to get screen review, because I didnot bring a 104 keyboard with y connector, and I also didn't bring along an external numeric keypad. While this machine, and many others like it, will supply a pop up numeric, it will not supply the home, end, page up, page down, etc. functions of the numeric. There's no use for them and they're not available. Having speakup's review mapped this way effectively means no screen review on a portable, at least most of the portables I know. -- Janina Sajka, Director Technology Research and Development Governmental Relations Group American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) Email: janina at afb.net Phone: (202) 408-8175 Chair, Accessibility SIG Open Electronic Book Forum (OEBF) http://www.openebook.org