Please do report back. I've stuck around with speakup under dosemu, because I thought there would be a problem with assigning /dev/synth as com1 because of baud rate and all that stuff. I've got a doubletalk pc, and considered using provox7 under dosemu tricking it into thinking my synth was a doubletalk lt on com 1 which would be actually /dev/synth. Wasn't sure if that would work though. I guess it does after reading your post. Greg On Wed, Jan 09, 2002 at 06:49:52PM -0600, Adam Myrow wrote: > Hello, everybody. I thought I'd share my experiences with Speakup's > /dev/synth device and DOSemu. I was wondering if it were possible to use > your existing synthesizer under DOSemu via the /dev/synth device. So, I > took the following steps. I am currently using an Accent SA, so these > steps apply to that synthesizer in some cases. I first logged in as root > and typed "mknod /dev/synth c 10 25." I tried this because I noticed a > boot message from Speakup that said: > speakup: initialized device: /dev/synth, node (MAJOR 10, MINOR 25) > > After doing that, I tried echoing text at /dev/synth as follows. echo > "This is a test." >/dev/synth > I immediately heard "This is a test." I then turned off Speakup entirely > by pressing print-screen and repeated the command. I once again heard > "This is a test." So, I decided to try out DOSemu with /dev/synth as > com1. I did this as follows. I already had Dosemu set up to behave like > older versions where it uses a global configuration file instead of > creating per user instances of Freedos. So, I modified my > /etc/dosemu.conf making the "com1" line read: > $_com1 = "/dev/synth" > Now, I started up DOSemu and tried echoing text to com1 and it worked > fine. Now, I got a floppy containing Tinytalk for DOS for the Accent SA. > I typed "ttalk c1" to tell it to use Com1 and the results were as follows. > I got a few garbage characters at the start and then Tinytalk started > speaking. It was choppy, as if the screen were refreshing slower than > expected, but fairly usable. It would read some words as if they were > split between two lines. I thought it was rather interesting, however. I > next intend to try Jaws for DOS, which is the only other DOS screen reader > I have access to. I will report again when I have tried it. Just thought > some of you who still use a lot of DOS applications might find this > experiment interesting. Oh, by the way, for any review functions to work > under DOSemu with Speakup hanging around, it is necessary to start DOSemu > with the "-k" flag to use raw keyboard mode. Hope this information is > useful to somebody. > > > > > _______________________________________________ > Speakup mailing list > Speakup at >