Greetings! I've been out of the loop with speakup and linux for a while and I'm now trying to get things set up again. I'm using Slackware 7.1, which uses the Linux kernel 2.2.16. I recall that the first time I did all of this I could never get Speakup to properly patch and allow me to configure Linux 2.2.16 so that I could make adjustments to the doubletalk's speech. I downloaded the 2.4.9 kernel and unpacked it to my /usr/local/src/linux path, but the ./install command still doesn't patch properly and reports that it is patching 2.2 of Linux, which is the version that is running. When I try to run "make menuconfig" I do not find any of the "speakup" options there so something isn't being patched properly. I do know I got around all this and made things work before, but I honestly don't remember what I had to do. If someone could help me I'd be very grateful. Thanks. Keith Creasy