Hi all, A couple of install questions. First I installed Redhat 6.2 on my system using the speakup boot disk. It went ok, except I goofed when it asked me for a keyboard, and I didn't use the speakup.map keyboard. I chose RO. I hope that this is my only problem, because I am not aware if speakup is supposed to be installed to the hard drive when using a boot disk with it on it or if I still have to go get the source and compile a kernel. I am assuming the latter, because when I boot into linux, the braille and speak just gives me a slight bit of jiberish for a few seconds and then is silent. Any help on this would be appreciated, and some idea what I would need for the kernel would be helpful also, what I mean by that statement is that if there's already a basic kernel that is pre-compiled that I can just download and copy to the hard drive where I need it I would grately appreciate it. I am very new to the whole linux environment, and at present the kernel documentation is confusing me. Again any help would be useful. Thanks in advance Chris Schulte