I am attempting to configure Slackware 7.1 for dialup connections to my ISP and am having an unexpected problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated - I have RTFM and have checked everything I can think of! My dialup sequence owrks fine - I get connected to my ISP - the scripts "ppp-go" and "ppp-off" work okay, and in fact as root I can run "ppp-go -d" for demand dialing and that seems to work too. The problem is, I cannot seem to make use of the ISP's domain name servers. I have not yet created a user account, but as root I ought to be able to use ftp, but always get a long delay followed by "host name lookup failure" I never had that problem with my old Slackware 4.0 distribution and have compared the configuration files between the 7.1 and 4.0 versions - they seem identical, permissions and all. I must be overlooking something but cannot think what. Any of you Slackers with ideas, I would sure like to hear from you - off list if this is too far afield... Chuck. PS - this message comes to you courtesy of - nettamer and DOS! Yuck!