Hi, An update if you're curious about this. I found that DE5-Net FPGA cards are reasonably priced right now on eBay, so I started a project to implement FICON target support. You can find more information on github: https://github.com/bluecmd/fejkon Essentially it's a 4x SFP+ port card for $300-$400 that I will export as "fc0-3" netdev's using ARPHRD_FCFABRIC type. This allows libpcap to capture raw FC directly on the netdev. The devices will be fully TX/RX capable. FICON and normal FCP will be implemented in userspace by reading / writing packets straight to the netdev. I assume this will be CPU intensive but for my purposes it should be fine. Maybe it is a good solution for people that want a more modern Fibre Channel analyzer as well. Regards, Christian