Analyze sched_switch ftrace data with vcd viewer

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I have written some code to convert the ascii sched_switch output to
vcd format (value change data). Now it is possible to view the context
switches in a vcd viewer. I personally use gtkwave because it is free
and is present in the fedora repository.
To use this program first make a ftrace file with something like:

mount -t debugfs debugfs /debug
echo sched_switch > /debug/tracing/current_tracer
echo 1 > /debug/tracing/tracing_enabled
sleep 10
echo 0 > /debug/tracing/tracing_enabled
cat /debug/tracing/trace > /tmp/trace.txt

Now convert the ascii data and start the viewer:

sched_switch /tmp/trace.txt /tmp/trace.vcd
gtkwave /tmp/trace.vcd

I use the following definitions in the vcd file:
Z   tri state signal (no cpu assigned)
U   undefined (wake up is done waiting for a cpu to become ready)
0/1 binary encoded cpu number
L/H binary encoded cpu number with priority inheritance

De signal names are displayed as:
The priority is:
idle for the idle process
r1..r99 for real time processes
n-19..20 for nice processes

I find this much easier to use then the ascii file that is produced by the kernel.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

typedef struct sched_switch_struct
  unsigned int program_id;
  unsigned int from_cpu;
  double time;
  unsigned int from_pid;
  unsigned int from_prio;
  unsigned int from_state_id;
  unsigned int wakeup_id;
  unsigned int to_cpu;
  unsigned int to_pid;
  unsigned int to_prio;
  unsigned int to_state_id;
} sched_switch_type;

typedef struct program_struct
  char *name;
  double time;
  unsigned int task;
  unsigned int prio;
  unsigned int idle_task;
  char *tag;
  unsigned int running;
  double last_time;
  double max_time;
  double max_pos;
} program_type;

static void
print_help (const char *programname)
  printf ("Usage: %s [options] input output\n", programname);
  printf ("       -m  : output in matlab format\n");
  printf ("       -v  : output in vcd format (default)\n");
  printf ("       -p  : print priority inheritance lines\n");
  printf ("       -s  : print max scheduling delay\n");
  printf ("       -h  : print this help\n");
  exit (0);

main (int argc, char **argv)
  { VCD, MATLAB } output = VCD;
  unsigned int priority_inheritance = 0;
  unsigned int max_sched_delay = 0;
  char *infilename = NULL;
  char *outfilename = NULL;
  unsigned int i;
  unsigned int j;
  unsigned int n;
  unsigned int last_comment = 0;
  FILE *fpi;
  FILE *fpo;
  unsigned int max_cpu = 0;
  unsigned int last_max_cpu = 0;
  unsigned int *first = NULL;
  double *last_time = NULL;
  unsigned int nof_bits = 0;
  unsigned int program_id;
  unsigned int from_cpu;
  double time;
  unsigned int from_pid;
  unsigned int from_prio;
  unsigned int from_state_id;
  unsigned int wakeup_id;
  unsigned int to_cpu;
  unsigned int to_pid;
  unsigned int to_prio;
  unsigned int to_state_id;
  char line[1000];
  char array[1000];
  char program_name[1000];
  char from_state[1000];
  char to_state[1000];
  char wakeup_str[1000];
  unsigned int n_program = 0;
  program_type *program = NULL;
  unsigned int n_state = 0;
  char **state = NULL;
  unsigned int n_wakeup = 0;
  char **wakeup = NULL;
  unsigned int n_sched_switch = 0;
  unsigned int m_sched_switch = 0;
  sched_switch_type *sched_switch = NULL;

  for (i = 1; i < (unsigned int) argc; i++) {
    if (argv[i][0] == '-') {
      switch (argv[i][1]) {
      case 'm':
	output = MATLAB;
      case 'v':
	output = VCD;
      case 'p':
	priority_inheritance = 1;
      case 's':
	max_sched_delay = 1;
      case 'h':
	print_help (argv[0]);
	return (0);
    else if (infilename == NULL) {
      infilename = argv[i];
    else if (outfilename == NULL) {
      outfilename = argv[i];
  if (infilename == NULL || outfilename == NULL) {
    print_help (argv[0]);
    return (0);
  fpi = fopen (infilename, "r");
  if (fpi == NULL) {
    fprintf (stderr, "Cannot open filename %s\n", infilename);
    return 1;
  fpo = fopen (outfilename, "w");
  if (fpo == NULL) {
    fprintf (stderr, "Cannot create filename %s\n", outfilename);
    return 1;
  while (fgets (line, sizeof (line), fpi) != NULL) {
    if (line[0] == '#') {
      last_comment = n_sched_switch;
    to_cpu = (unsigned int) -1;
    if (sscanf
	(line, " %s [ %u ] %lf : %u : %u : %s %s %u : %u : %s ", program_name,
	 &from_cpu, &time, &from_pid, &from_prio, from_state, wakeup_str,
	 &to_pid, &to_prio, to_state) == 10 ||
	sscanf (line, " %s [ %u ] %lf : %u : %u : %s %s [ %u ] %u : %u : %s ",
		program_name, &from_cpu, &time, &from_pid, &from_prio,
		from_state, wakeup_str, &to_cpu, &to_pid, &to_prio,
		to_state) == 11) {
      if (to_cpu == (unsigned int) -1) {
	/* incorrect but we have to set something */
	to_cpu = from_cpu;
      if (from_cpu > max_cpu) {
	max_cpu = from_cpu;
      if (to_cpu > max_cpu) {
	max_cpu = to_cpu;
      if (first == NULL || max_cpu != last_max_cpu) {
	first =
	  (unsigned int *) realloc (first,
				    (max_cpu + 1) * sizeof (unsigned int));
	last_time =
	  (double *) realloc (last_time, (max_cpu + 1) * sizeof (double));
	if (first == NULL || last_time == NULL) {
	  fprintf (stderr, "Cannot malloc\n");
	  return 1;
	for (i = last_max_cpu; i <= max_cpu; i++) {
	  /* 2 because first time is not allways correct */
	  first[i] = 2;
	  last_time[i] = 0;
	last_max_cpu = max_cpu;
      for (program_id = 0; program_id < n_program; program_id++) {
	if (strcmp (program[program_id].name, program_name) == 0) {
      if (program_id == n_program) {
	program =
	  (program_type *) realloc (program,
				    (n_program + 1) * sizeof (program_type));
	if (program == NULL) {
	  fprintf (stderr, "Cannot malloc\n");
	  return 1;
	program[n_program].name = strdup (program_name);
	program[n_program].time = 0;
	program[n_program].task = from_pid;
	program[n_program].prio = 0;
	program[n_program].idle_task = strcmp (program_name, "<idle>-0") == 0;
	program[n_program].tag = NULL;
	if (program[n_program++].name == NULL) {
	  fprintf (stderr, "Cannot malloc\n");
	  return 1;
      for (from_state_id = 0; from_state_id < n_state; from_state_id++) {
	if (strcmp (state[from_state_id], from_state) == 0) {
      if (from_state_id == n_state) {
	state = (char **) realloc (state, (n_state + 1) * sizeof (char *));
	if (state == NULL) {
	  fprintf (stderr, "Cannot malloc\n");
	  return 1;
	state[n_state] = strdup (from_state);
	if (state[n_state++] == NULL) {
	  fprintf (stderr, "Cannot malloc\n");
	  return 1;
      for (to_state_id = 0; to_state_id < n_state; to_state_id++) {
	if (strcmp (state[to_state_id], to_state) == 0) {
      if (to_state_id == n_state) {
	state = (char **) realloc (state, (n_state + 1) * sizeof (char *));
	if (state == NULL) {
	  fprintf (stderr, "Cannot malloc\n");
	  return 1;
	state[n_state] = strdup (to_state);
	if (state[n_state++] == NULL) {
	  fprintf (stderr, "Cannot malloc\n");
	  return 1;
      for (wakeup_id = 0; wakeup_id < n_wakeup; wakeup_id++) {
	if (strcmp (wakeup[wakeup_id], wakeup_str) == 0) {
      if (wakeup_id == n_wakeup) {
	wakeup = (char **) realloc (wakeup, (n_wakeup + 1) * sizeof (char *));
	if (wakeup == NULL) {
	  fprintf (stderr, "Cannot malloc\n");
	  return 1;
	wakeup[n_wakeup] = strdup (wakeup_str);
	if (wakeup[n_wakeup++] == NULL) {
	  fprintf (stderr, "Cannot malloc\n");
	  return 1;
      if (n_sched_switch >= m_sched_switch) {
	sched_switch =
	  (sched_switch_type *) realloc (sched_switch,
					 (m_sched_switch +
					  1024) * sizeof (sched_switch_type));
	if (sched_switch == NULL) {
	  fprintf (stderr, "Cannot malloc\n");
	  return 1;
	m_sched_switch += 1024;
      sched_switch[n_sched_switch].program_id = program_id;
      sched_switch[n_sched_switch].from_cpu = from_cpu;
      sched_switch[n_sched_switch].time = time;
      sched_switch[n_sched_switch].from_pid = from_pid;
      sched_switch[n_sched_switch].from_prio = from_prio;
      sched_switch[n_sched_switch].from_state_id = from_state_id;
      sched_switch[n_sched_switch].wakeup_id = wakeup_id;
      sched_switch[n_sched_switch].to_cpu = to_cpu;
      sched_switch[n_sched_switch].to_pid = to_pid;
      sched_switch[n_sched_switch].to_prio = to_prio;
      sched_switch[n_sched_switch].to_state_id = to_state_id;
      if (wakeup_str[0] == '=') {
	if (first[from_cpu] == 0) {
	  program[program_id].time += time - last_time[from_cpu];
	else if (first[from_cpu]) {
	last_time[from_cpu] = time;
  for (nof_bits = 31; nof_bits > 0; nof_bits--) {
    if (max_cpu & (1 << nof_bits)) {
  time = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < n_program; i++) {
    time += program[i].time;
  if (time == 0) {
    time = 1;
  for (i = 0; i < n_sched_switch; i++) {
    for (j = 0; j < n_program; j++) {
      if (sched_switch[i].from_pid == program[j].task) {
    sched_switch[i].from_pid = j == n_program ? 0 : j;
    for (j = 0; j < n_program; j++) {
      if (sched_switch[i].to_pid == program[j].task) {
    sched_switch[i].to_pid = j == n_program ? 0 : j;
  for (i = 0; i < n_program; i++) {
    /* Take the highest priority and hope that this is the correct one. */
    /* It might be incorrect due to priority inheritance. */
    n = 0;
    for (j = 0; j < n_sched_switch; j++) {
      if (sched_switch[j].from_pid == i) {
	if (sched_switch[j].from_prio > n) {
	  n = sched_switch[j].from_prio;
      if (sched_switch[j].to_pid == i) {
	if (sched_switch[j].to_prio > n) {
	  n = sched_switch[j].to_prio;
    program[i].prio = n;
    if (program[i].prio < 100) {
      sprintf (line, "%s#r%u#%d", program[i].name, 99 - program[i].prio,
	       (int) (100.0 * program[i].time / time + 0.5));
    else if (program[i].prio == 140) {
      sprintf (line, "%s#idle#%d", program[i].name,
	       (int) (100.0 * program[i].time / time + 0.5));
    else {
      sprintf (line, "%s#n%d#%d", program[i].name,
	       (int) (120 - program[i].prio),
	       (int) (100.0 * program[i].time / time + 0.5));
    free (program[i].name);
    program[i].name = strdup (line);
    if (program[i].name == NULL) {
      fprintf (stderr, "Cannot malloc\n");
      return 1;
    if (priority_inheritance) {
      for (n = 0; n < n_sched_switch; n++) {
	if (sched_switch[n].from_pid == i &&
	    sched_switch[n].from_prio != program[i].prio) {
	  printf ("%.6f %.0fus %s %u %u\n", sched_switch[n].time,
		  (sched_switch[n].time - sched_switch[0].time) * 1e6,
		  program[i].name, sched_switch[n].from_prio,
	if (sched_switch[n].to_pid == i &&
	    sched_switch[n].to_prio != program[i].prio) {
	  printf ("%.6f %.0fus %s %u %u\n", sched_switch[n].time,
		  (sched_switch[n].time - sched_switch[0].time) * 1e6,
		  program[i].name, sched_switch[n].to_prio, program[i].prio);
  if (max_sched_delay) {
    for (i = 0; i < n_program; i++) {
      program[i].running = 0;
      program[i].last_time = 0;
      program[i].max_time = 0;
      program[i].max_pos = 0;
    for (i = last_comment; i < n_sched_switch; i++) {
      if (wakeup[sched_switch[i].wakeup_id][0] == '=') {
	if (program[sched_switch[i].to_pid].running == (unsigned int) -2) {
	  if (sched_switch[i].time -
	      program[sched_switch[i].to_pid].last_time >
	      program[sched_switch[i].to_pid].max_time) {
	    program[sched_switch[i].to_pid].max_time =
	      sched_switch[i].time -
	    program[sched_switch[i].to_pid].max_pos = sched_switch[i].time;
	program[sched_switch[i].from_pid].running = (unsigned int) -1;
	program[sched_switch[i].to_pid].running = sched_switch[i].to_cpu;
      else if (wakeup[sched_switch[i].wakeup_id][0] == '+') {
	program[sched_switch[i].to_pid].running = (unsigned int) -2;
	program[sched_switch[i].to_pid].last_time = sched_switch[i].time;
    for (i = 0; i < n_program; i++) {
      if (program[i].max_time != 0.0) {
	printf ("%8.6f %8.6f %.0fus %s\n", program[i].max_time,
		(program[i].max_pos - sched_switch[0].time) * 1e6,
  if (output == MATLAB) {
    for (i = 0; i < n_program; i++) {
      fprintf (fpo,
	       "program(%u).str = '%s'; program_time(%u) = %.6f; "
	       "cpuload(%u) = %.6f; program_task(%u) = %u;\n", i + 1,
	       program[i].name, i + 1, program[i].time, i + 1,
	       100.0 * program[i].time / time, i + 1, program[i].task);
    for (i = 0; i < n_state; i++) {
      fprintf (fpo, "state(%u).str = '%s';\n", i + 1, state[i]);
    for (i = 0; i < n_wakeup; i++) {
      fprintf (fpo, "wakeup(%u).str = '%s';\n", i + 1, wakeup[i]);
    fprintf (fpo, "program_id = { ");
    for (i = 0; i < n_sched_switch; i++) {
      fprintf (fpo, "%u ", sched_switch[i].program_id);
    fprintf (fpo, "};\n");
    fprintf (fpo, "from_cpu = { ");
    for (i = 0; i < n_sched_switch; i++) {
      fprintf (fpo, "%u ", sched_switch[i].from_cpu);
    fprintf (fpo, "};\n");
    fprintf (fpo, "time = { ");
    for (i = 0; i < n_sched_switch; i++) {
      fprintf (fpo, "%.6f ", sched_switch[i].time);
    fprintf (fpo, "};\n");
    fprintf (fpo, "from_pid = { ");
    for (i = 0; i < n_sched_switch; i++) {
      fprintf (fpo, "%u ", sched_switch[i].from_pid);
    fprintf (fpo, "};\n");
    fprintf (fpo, "from_prio = { ");
    for (i = 0; i < n_sched_switch; i++) {
      fprintf (fpo, "%u ", sched_switch[i].from_prio);
    fprintf (fpo, "};\n");
    fprintf (fpo, "from_state_id = { ");
    for (i = 0; i < n_sched_switch; i++) {
      fprintf (fpo, "%u ", sched_switch[i].from_state_id);
    fprintf (fpo, "};\n");
    fprintf (fpo, "wakeup_id = { ");
    for (i = 0; i < n_sched_switch; i++) {
      fprintf (fpo, "%u ", sched_switch[i].wakeup_id);
    fprintf (fpo, "};\n");
    fprintf (fpo, "to_cpu = { ");
    for (i = 0; i < n_sched_switch; i++) {
      fprintf (fpo, "%u ", sched_switch[i].to_cpu);
    fprintf (fpo, "};\n");
    fprintf (fpo, "to_pid = { ");
    for (i = 0; i < n_sched_switch; i++) {
      fprintf (fpo, "%u ", sched_switch[i].to_pid);
    fprintf (fpo, "};\n");
    fprintf (fpo, "to_prio = { ");
    for (i = 0; i < n_sched_switch; i++) {
      fprintf (fpo, "%u ", sched_switch[i].to_prio);
    fprintf (fpo, "};\n");
    fprintf (fpo, "to_state_id = { ");
    for (i = 0; i < n_sched_switch; i++) {
      fprintf (fpo, "%u ", sched_switch[i].to_state_id);
    fprintf (fpo, "};\n");
    fprintf (fpo,
	     "save -v7 sched_switch.mat program program_time program_task "
	     "cpuload state wakeup program_id from_cpu time from_pid "
	     "from_prio from_state_id wakeup_id to_cpu to_pid to_prio "
  else {
    fprintf (fpo, "$timescale 1us $end\n");
    fprintf (fpo, "$scope module sched_switch $end\n");
    for (i = 0; i < n_program; i++) {
      j = 0;
      n = i;
      do {
	line[j++] = (n % 94) + 33;
	n = n / 94;
      } while (n != 0);
      line[j] = '\0';
      array[0] = '\0';
      if (nof_bits > 0) {
	sprintf (array, "[%u:0] ", nof_bits);
      fprintf (fpo, "$var wire %u %s %s %s$end\n", nof_bits + 1, line,
	       program[i].name, array);
      program[i].tag = strdup (line);
      if (program[i].tag == NULL) {
	fprintf (stderr, "Cannot malloc\n");
	return 1;
    fprintf (fpo, "$upscope $end\n");
    fprintf (fpo, "$enddefinitions $end\n");
    /* Z   tri-state signal (no cpu assigned) */
    /* U   undefined (wakeup is done waiting for cpu to become ready) */
    /* 0/1 binary encoded cpu number */
    /* L/H binary encoded cpu number with priority inheritance */
    fprintf (fpo, "#0\n");
    for (i = 0; i < n_program; i++) {
      if (nof_bits > 0) {
	fprintf (fpo, "b");
      for (j = 0; j <= nof_bits; j++) {
	fprintf (fpo, "Z");
      if (nof_bits > 0) {
	fprintf (fpo, " ");
      fprintf (fpo, "%s\n", program[i].tag);
    for (i = 0; i < n_sched_switch; i++) {
      if (sched_switch[i].time - sched_switch[0].time != 0) {
	if (wakeup[sched_switch[i].wakeup_id][0] == '=') {
	  if (i == 0 || sched_switch[i].time != sched_switch[i - 1].time) {
	    fprintf (fpo, "#%.0f\n",
		     (sched_switch[i].time - sched_switch[0].time) * 1e6);
	  if (sched_switch[i].from_pid != sched_switch[i].to_pid) {
	    if (nof_bits > 0) {
	      fprintf (fpo, "b");
	    for (j = 0; j <= nof_bits; j++) {
	      fprintf (fpo, "Z");
	    if (nof_bits > 0) {
	      fprintf (fpo, " ");
	    fprintf (fpo, "%s\n", program[sched_switch[i].from_pid].tag);
	  if (nof_bits > 0) {
	    fprintf (fpo, "b");
	  if (sched_switch[i].to_prio != program[sched_switch[i].to_pid].prio) {
	    for (j = 0; j <= nof_bits; j++) {
	      fprintf (fpo, "%c",
		       "LH"[(sched_switch[i].to_cpu >> (nof_bits - j)) & 1]);
	  else {
	    for (j = 0; j <= nof_bits; j++) {
	      fprintf (fpo, "%c",
		       "01"[(sched_switch[i].to_cpu >> (nof_bits - j)) & 1]);
	  if (nof_bits > 0) {
	    fprintf (fpo, " ");
	  fprintf (fpo, "%s\n", program[sched_switch[i].to_pid].tag);
	else if (wakeup[sched_switch[i].wakeup_id][0] == '+') {
	  if (i == 0 || sched_switch[i].time != sched_switch[i - 1].time) {
	    fprintf (fpo, "#%.0f\n",
		     (sched_switch[i].time - sched_switch[0].time) * 1e6);
	  if (nof_bits > 0) {
	    fprintf (fpo, "b");
	  for (j = 0; j <= nof_bits; j++) {
	    fprintf (fpo, "X");
	  if (nof_bits > 0) {
	    fprintf (fpo, " ");
	  fprintf (fpo, "%s\n", program[sched_switch[i].to_pid].tag);
  fclose (fpi);
  fclose (fpo);
  free (first);
  free (last_time);
  for (i = 0; i < n_program; i++) {
    free (program[i].name);
    free (program[i].tag);
  free (program);
  free (state);
  free (wakeup);
  free (sched_switch);
  return 0;

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