My proposal for a Power Management BOF at OLS was approved last week. There is not a schedule yet, and usually isn't until quite late in the game. Hopefully everyone can make it to Ottawa this year, as there will be a lot of crucial discussion taking place. I expect there to be at least 1 slot dedicated to Power Management at the Kernel Summit, too, and perhaps a BOF. That's only speculative, and have no idea yet whether or not I will be attending. However, I *will* be in Ottawa the entire week, regardless of whether I get invited to the Kernel Summit. I encourage others to plan on the same, as we will have a lot to talk about. In years past at KS, during the allotted slot, the progress made has been minimal, as most people don't hold the same context of the multi-faceted challenges that we face in dealing with PM. It's usually best as simply an overview of the progress being made and the challenges ahead. Even the BOFs at KS have been helpful with people contributing some insight, requirements, and wishlists, but have not done much WRT the outstanding design/architectural issues. Instead, countless hours have been spent in the halls and pubs working things out. What I propse is that we dedicate some time to meet in a smaller forum to catch up and resolve outstanding issues before any allotted KS time. With any slot we get, we can speak firmly, and in unity, about what we're doing and where we're going. Discussion will inevitably ensue throughout the week, strenghtening our TODO lists. ;) The OLS BOF will present a wider audience with more people concerned about the usability and functionality, rather than the implementation. This is a good thing; it just requires a slightly different perspective, and that most arguments be at least placated by then. :) What do people think? Pat P.S. If anyone would like to attend OLS, but cannot get their company to fund it, and is not already speaking, please let me know. I might be able to add you as a co-chair of the BOF.