Dear All, I need your help realetd to this topic. There may be more than one solutions for this problem. The problem is that how one can provide a similar interface to user who uses M$ Windows as a workstation. This interface should be user friendly and similar to M$ Windows so that the end user do not get boared from this Linux workstation. The solution which I have in mind is 1) As this Linux machine is a simple workstation therefore only core applications should be installed on it. This include kernel and other basic applications that are necessary for any Linux machine. We can use any Linux flavour for this purpose Like Redhat, SUSE etc. 2) For Web Browsing all people know netscape is the best. 3) For office utilities StarOffice by SUN will be used. 4) For email client we can use netscape or any other client. May be I miss some applications. People are fad up from viruses,therefore they would like Linux,which is virus free. A few days ago ActionAid a UK based charity decided that they will use Linux at workstations end due to viruses, which spread and crash machines at continous times. My purpose is not for commercial use. I belong to a development sector organisation in a developing country. I hope if we succed in a solution like this then this will help promoting Information, Communications and Technologies for Human Development and bridiging the Digital Divide. I explain one solution which I have in my mind. There may be people who know many other solutions for this problem which are being implemented in different Developing Countries. I hope gurus will help in this problem. Many thanks in advance. ____________________________________________________________________ Get free email and a permanent address at - : send the line "unsubscribe linux-net" in the body of a message to