Hello everyone! The idea of v4l2 'brainstorming' session came out after a few discussions on #v4l IRC channel about various RFCs and proposals that have been posted recently. I would like to announce that Samsung Poland R&D Center (SPRC) agreed to take an opportunity to organize this meeting. I've got a reservation for a conference room for 16-18 March 2011 in our office. I would like to invite all of You for this V4L2 'brainstorming' session. I hope that this initial meeting date I've selected will fit us. We have 2 only weeks for the preparation, but I hope we will manage. I'm open for another date and if required I will change the reservation. The meeting will last 3 days what gives us a lot of possibility to present the issues and proposals, discuss them further and work out a solution that will be accepted by others. >From SPRC 4 developers will attend this meeting: Sylwester Nawrocki (s5p-fimc author), Kamil Debski (s5p-mfc author), Tomasz Stanislawski (s5p-tv author) and me (videobuf2 co-author and kernel lead developer in SPRC). A quick summary of the above: 1. Type of the meeting: V4L2 'brainstorming' mini-summit :) 2. Place: Samsung Poland R&D Center Polna 11 Street 00-633 Warsaw, Poland 3. Date: 16-18 March 2011 4. Agenda TBD, everyone is welcomed to put his items here :) I will post some travel information tomorrow. SPRC office is in the center of Warsaw, there are a few hotels nearby. I will check for a free rooms and I will make a recommendation soon. I hope we will meet together soon! Best regards -- Marek Szyprowski Samsung Poland R&D Center The above message is intended solely for the named addressee and may contain trade secret, industrial technology or privileged and confidential information otherwise protected under applicable law. Any unauthorized dissemination, distribution, copying or use of the information contained in this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify sender by email and delete this communication immediately. PowyÅsza wiadomoÅÄ przeznaczona jest wyÅÄcznie dla adresata niniejszej wiadomoÅci i moÅe zawieraÄ informacje bÄdÄce tajemnicÄ handlowÄ, tajemnicÄ przedsiÄbiorstwa oraz informacje o charakterze poufnym chronione obowiÄzujÄcymi przepisami prawa. Jakiekolwiek nieuprawnione ich rozpowszechnianie, dystrybucja, kopiowanie lub uÅycie informacji zawartych w powyÅszej wiadomoÅci jest zabronione. JeÅli otrzymaÅeÅ powyÅszÄ wiadomoÅÄ omyÅkowo, uprzejmie proszÄ poinformuj o tym fakcie drogÄ mailowÄ nadawcÄ tej wiadomoÅci oraz niezwÅocznie usuÅ powyÅszÄ wiadomoÅÄ ze swojego komputera. ÿô.nÇ·®+%˱é¥wÿº{.nÇ·¥{±þg¯â^nr¡öë¨è&£ûz¹Þúzf£¢·h§~Ûÿÿïÿê_èæ+v¨þ)ßø