Hi uh, A recent catman patch by Alejandro drove me to try and look at what the current state of man2html is like, and to my dismay the Makefile didn't work with the "man2html 3.0.1" on my MSYS2 installation. It turns out there are at least three such programs around: * a Perl program (which is the one I got) dating back to 1997 and still having a live page on "nongnu" * a C program by (presumably) Bruce Korb (can't find the source code!) of AutoOpts. * a C program by Verhoeven and Brouwer stuck without a homepage on the web, last updated as man-1.6g.tar.gz. (+39 patches from Debian, welp.) I assume from the invocations that Brouwer's version is the intended one. Do we want to specify that in the file, or do we just wait for it to be replaced by groff? Regards, Mingye Wang