RE:systemimager-dracut: devel help needed (root= known only in initqueue)

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I used solution 1: And succeeded.

Now, the dracut based imager from  Systemimager can install a client and direct boot it without rebooting:
(The disk is initialiser and the OS is installed before swaproot, the a give control back to system which does the swaproot and finishes boot. Requirement: the Systeimager initramfs kernel must have its matching modules on imaged system otherwise it reboots instead of directboot).

The magic is in the dracut systemimager module:

(it works of all rhel based distro based on dracut including RHEL-6 and SuSE with wicked DHCP instead of ISC and should work on all debian like provided dracut doesn't conflict with initramfstools and provided I rewrite packaging):


   Olivier LAHAYE

De : initramfs-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [initramfs-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] de la part de LAHAYE Olivier
Envoyé : mercredi 28 mars 2018 10:18
À : initramfs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Objet : [PROVENANCE  INTERNET] RE: systemimager-dracut: devel help needed (root= known only in initqueue)

After digging, I've discovered that systemd-fstab-generator that should generate
 /run/systemd/generator/sysroot.mount only reads /proc/cmdline (and /etc/fstab and /sysroot/etc/fstab). It seems to ignore env($root) or /etc/cmdline.d/whatever_that_defines_root.conf

Thus, I assume that:
1/ /dracut-state.conf is USELESS in that matter
2/ /etc/cmdline.d/<whatever_defines_root=>.conf is USELESS in that matter

=> Then what is the propper way to have filesystem correctly mounted?

solution 1: mount /sysroot only in pre-mount hook? (and have the fstab generator read /sysroot/etc/fstab?
solution 2: write a systemimager-sysroot-generator and trigger it with systemctl daemon-reload?
solution 3: something I'm missing?

Thanks for any advise on how to behave cleanely in having /sysroot correctly mounted .

   Olivier LAHAYE

De : initramfs-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [initramfs-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] de la part de LAHAYE Olivier
Envoyé : mardi 27 mars 2018 11:40
À : initramfs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Objet : [PROVENANCE  INTERNET] systemimager-dracut: devel help needed (root= known only in initqueue)

Sorry for initial long post, but this is worth reading :)


I'm main active developper for systemimager (, a software that automates image deployments on cluster nodes that was initially developped by Brian Elliott Finley.
The imager consist of an initramf that initialise the disk, download the image and runs post installs.
The historic initramfs was build from scratch including kernel and was extremely hard to maintain.

I rewrote the whole stuff using dracut which is the perfect tool for that.

For that I wrote a somewhat complex (but easy to maintain) dracut module:

This works perfectly, but I want to go BEYOND a reboot after imaging.
I want, after imaging, to finish booting as normal boot (imaging is finnished in initqueue hook) if imager kernel has matching modules in imaged system.

/sysroot is not automatically mounted and I'm trying to have it mounted without doing ugly hacks.

How I proceed: (CentOS7, fedora-27, Open SuSE 42.3 (and in another form CentOS-6))
1/ in cmdline, I set root='UNSET' and rootok=1
 => It ends in / and cmdline hook is happy

2/ in initqueue/online, I retrieve disk layout, image name, ... and using that I initialise the disk(s), raid if any, lvm if any and I install the image, configure bootloader, and runs some chrooted postinstall

3/ in initqueue/online (at the end, I umount all filesystems) and update / with root=block:/the/correct/root/device
=> is overridden with "none" between initqueue and pre-mount hooks ???? WHY? WHERE?
=> So I save it in /etc/cmdline.d/systemimager-rootfs.conf (rootfs-generator ignores / and uses getarg)

4/ in initqueue/finished (/sysroot is empty), I run systemctl daemon-reload to triggger dracut-rootfs-generator.
=> devexists-\x2fdev\x2fsystemvg\ is generated correctly
BUT, sysroot.mount is not generated anywhere (neither in /etc/systemd/system, nor in /lib/systemd/system)

QUESTION 1: what am I missing to have sysroot.mount be created AND mounted.
QUESTION 2: why / is overwritten between initqueue/finished and pre-mount hooks and why is it not used by dracut-rootfs-generator?
QUESTION 3: On CentOS-6 I use /tmp/, how to I get the rootfs mounted without systemd? should I only settle udev?

Many thanks for any tips.

   Olivier LAHAYE
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