Re: Documentation reorganization.

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On 10/18/10 14:49, Jonathan Cameron wrote:
> Hi all, I've pasted the following in directly as diffs of these files are somewhat
> hard to comment on and it's more or less rewritten.
> The basic principal here was to move towards cleanly documenting every
> attribute we have.  This involved firstly moving to X Y Z for numeric
> indexing and adding multiple What: lines to the file to list everything.
> Basically we want people to be able to grep when they come across an
> attribute and wonder what it does.  There are a few omissions in here
> at the moment (rot, angl, hyst) but those are mainly because I'm not quite
> sure what they are and haven't datasheet dived as yet.  I have also cut
> out a few things that we agreed interfaces for but which are not currently
> used by any drivers (meanperiod for example)
> A couple of our drivers aren't currently compliant with this spec
> (including some of mine ;)  The other addition that will come is that
> of inY_thresh_above_en and inY_thresh_below_en.  This was suggested
> in a sensor outside iio that is matching our abi (more or less)
> and seems a sensible and clear way of handling 'level' type interrupts
> (that is those that will retrigger if the interrupt is cleared and they
> are still true).
> All comments welcome!  Lets get this nice and clean once and for all.
> I haven't rolled in the light sensor attributes as yet, but will look
> at how simple that is after we have the current content cleaned up.
As this has been on the list with no comments for a month, I've take
an executive decision and sent it on to Greg KH.  It may be far from
perfect, but I think it's a considerable improvement on the previous

Mainly I want this in place so I can start shouting at people for
undocumented attributes in all the new drivers :)  Note that such docs
will become obligatory before I ack patches, that add new general attributes,
sometime in the near future, I really don't want our documentation to slip
as it just makes the review process steadily harder!

> ...
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX
> KernelVersion:	2.6.35
> Contact:	linux-iio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Description:
> 		Hardware chip or device accessed by on communication port.
> 		Corresponds to a grouping of sensor channels. X is the IIO
> 		index of the device.
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/triggerX
> KernelVersion:	2.6.35
> Contact:	linux-iio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Description:
> 		An event driven driver of data capture to an in kernel buffer.
> 		May be provided by a device driver that also has an IIO device
> 		based on hardware generated events (e.g. data ready) or
> 		provided by a separate driver for other hardware (e.g.
> 		periodic timer, gpio or high resolution timer).
> 		Contains trigger type specific elements. These do not
> 		generalize well and hence are not documented in this file.
> 		X is the IIO index of the trigger.
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX:buffer
> KernelVersion:	2.6.35
> Contact:	linux-iio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Description:
> 		Link to /sys/class/iio/deviceX/deviceX:buffer. X indicates
> 		the device with which this buffer buffer is associated.
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/name
> KernelVersion:	2.6.35
> Contact:	linux-iio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Description:
> 		Description of the physical chip / device for device X.
> 		Typically a part number.
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/sampling_frequency
> KernelVersion:	2.6.35
> Contact:	linux-iio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Description:
> 		Some devices have internal clocks.  This parameter sets the
> 		resulting sampling frequency.  In many devices this
> 		parameter has an effect on input filters etc rather than
> 		simply controlling when the input is sampled.  As this
> 		effects datardy triggers, hardware buffers and the sysfs
> 		direct access interfaces, it may be found in any of the
> 		relevant directories.  If it effects all of the above
> 		then it is to be found in the base device directory as here.
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/sampling_frequency_available
> KernelVersion:	2.6.35
> Contact:	linux-iio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Description:
> 		When the internal sampling clock can only take a small
> 		discrete set of values, this file lists those available.
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/inY_raw
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/inY_supply_raw
> KernelVersion:	2.6.35
> Contact:	linux-iio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Description:
> 		Raw (unscaled no bias removal etc) voltage measurement from
> 		channel Y. In special cases where the channel does not
> 		correspond to externally available input one of the named
> 		versions may be used. The number must always be specified and
> 		unique to allow association with event codes.
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/inY-inZ_raw
> KernelVersion:	2.6.35
> Contact:	linux-iio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Description:
> 		Raw (unscaled) differential voltage measurement equivalent to
> 		channel Y - channel Z where these channel numbers apply to the
> 		physically equivalent inputs when non differential readings are
> 		separately available. In differential only parts, then all that
> 		is required is a consistent labeling.
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/temp_raw
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/temp_x_raw
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/temp_y_raw
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/temp_z_raw
> KernelVersion:	2.6.35
> Contact:	linux-iio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Description:
> 		Raw (unscaled no bias removal etc) temperature measurement.
> 		It an axis is specified it generally means that the temperature
> 		sensor is associated with one part of a compound device (e.g.
> 		a gyroscope axis).
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/accel_x_raw
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/accel_y_raw
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/accel_z_raw
> KernelVersion:	2.6.35
> Contact:	linux-iio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Description:
> 		Acceleration in direction x, y or z (may be arbitrarily assigned
> 		but should match other such assignments on device)
> 		channel m (not present if only one accelerometer channel at
> 		this orientation). Has all of the equivalent parameters as per
> 		inY. Units after application of scale and offset are m/s^2.
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/gyro_x_raw
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/gyro_y_raw
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/gyro_z_raw
> KernelVersion:	2.6.35
> Contact:	linux-iio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Description:
> 		Angular velocity about axis x, y or z (may be arbitrarily
> 		assigned) Data converted by application of offset then scale to
> 		radians per second. Has all the equivalent parameters as
> 		per inY.
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/incli_x_raw
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/incli_y_raw
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/incli_z_raw
> KernelVersion:	2.6.35
> Contact:	linux-iio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Description:
> 		Inclination raw reading about axis x, y or z (may be
> 		arbitrarily assigned). Data converted by application of offset
> 		and scale to Degrees.
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/magn_x_raw
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/magn_y_raw
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/magn_z_raw
> KernelVersion:	2.6.35
> Contact:	linux-iio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Description:
> 		Magnetic field along axis x, y or z (may be arbitrarily
> 		assigned) channel m (not present if only one magnetometer
> 		at this orientation).  Data converted by application of
> 		offset then scale to Gauss. Has all the equivalent modifiers
> 		as per inY.
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/accel_x_peak_raw
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/accel_y_peak_raw
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/accel_z_peak_raw
> KernelVersion:	2.6.36
> Contact:	linux-iio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Description:
> 		Some devices provide a store of the highest value seen since
> 		some reset condition.  These attributes allow access to this
> 		and are otherwise the direct equivalent of the
> 		<type>Y[_name]_raw attributes.
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/accel_xyz_squared_peak_raw
> KernelVersion:	2.6.36
> Contact:	linux-iio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Description:
> 		A computed peak value based on the sum squared magnitude of
> 		the underlying value in the specified directions.
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/accel_offset
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/temp_offset
> KernelVersion:	2.6.35
> Contact:	linux-iio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Description:
> 		If known for a device, offset to be added to <type>[Y]_raw prior
> 		to scaling by <type>[Y]_scale in order to obtain value in the
> 		<type> units as specified in <type>[y]_raw documentation.
> 		Not present if the offset is always 0 or unknown. If Y is not
> 		present, then the offset applies to all in channels of <type>.
> 		May be writable if a variable offset can be applied on the
> 		device. Note that this is different to calibbias which
> 		is for devices (or drivers) that apply offsets to compensate
> 		for variation between different instances of the part, typically
> 		adjusted by using some hardware supported calibration procedure.
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/inY_scale
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/inY_supply_scale
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/in_scale
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/accel_scale
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/accel_peak_scale
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/gyro_scale
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/magn_scale
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/magn_x_scale
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/magn_y_scale
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/magn_z_scale
> KernelVersion:	2.6.35
> Contact:	linux-iio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Description:
> 		If known for a device, scale to be applied to <type>Y[_name]_raw
> 		post addition of <type>[Y][_name]_offset in order to obtain the
> 		measured value in <type> units as specified in
> 		<type>[Y][_name]_raw documentation..  If shared across all in
> 		channels then Y is not present and the value is called
> 		<type>[Y][_name]_scale. The peak modifier means this value
> 		is applied to <type>Y[_name]_peak_raw values.
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/accel_x_calibbias
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/accel_y_calibbias
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/accel_z_calibbias
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/gyro_x_calibbias
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/gyro_y_calibbias
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/gyro_z_calibbias
> KernelVersion:	2.6.35
> Contact:	linux-iio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Description:
> 		Hardware applied calibration offset. (assumed to fix production
> 		inaccuracies). If shared across all channels, <type>_calibbias
> 		is used.
> What		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/inY_calibscale
> What		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/inY_supply_calibscale
> What		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/in_calibscale
> What		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/accel_x_calibscale
> What		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/accel_y_calibscale
> What		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/accel_z_calibscale
> What		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/gyro_x_calibscale
> What		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/gyro_y_calibscale
> What		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/gyro_z_calibscale
> KernelVersion:	2.6.35
> Contact:	linux-iio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Description:
> 		Hardware applied calibration scale factor. (assumed to fix
> 		production inaccuracies).  If shared across all channels,
> 		<type>_calibscale is used.
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/accel_scale_available
> KernelVersion:	2.635
> Contact:	linux-iio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Description:
> 		If a discrete set of scale values are available, they
> 		are listed in this attribute.
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX/deviceX:eventY
> KernelVersion:	2.6.35
> Contact:	linux-iio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Description:
> 		Configuration of which hardware generated events are passed up
> 		to user-space.
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX:event/dev
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX:eventY/dev
> KernelVersion:	2.6.35
> Contact:	linux-iio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Description:
> 		major:minor character device numbers for the event line Y of
> 		device X.
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/accel_x_thresh_rising_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/accel_x_thresh_falling_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/accel_y_thresh_rising_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/accel_y_thresh_falling_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/accel_z_thresh_rising_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/accel_z_thresh_falling_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/gyro_x_thresh_rising_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/gyro_x_thresh_falling_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/gyro_y_thresh_rising_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/gyro_y_thresh_falling_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/gyro_z_thresh_rising_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/gyro_z_thresh_falling_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/magn_x_thresh_rising_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/magn_x_thresh_falling_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/magn_y_thresh_rising_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/magn_y_thresh_falling_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/magn_z_thresh_rising_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/magn_z_thresh_falling_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/inZ_supply_thresh_rising_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/inZ_supply_thresh_falling_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/inZ_thresh_rising_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/inZ_thresh_falling_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/temp_thresh_rising_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/temp_thresh_falling_en
> KernelVersion:	2.6.37
> Contact:	linux-iio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Description:
> 		Event generated when channel passes a threshold in the specified
> 		(_rising|_falling) direction. If the direction is not specified,
> 		then either the device will report an event which ever direction
> 		a single threshold value is called in (e.g.
> 		<type>[Z][_name]_<raw|input>_thresh_value) or
> 		<type>[Z][_name]_<raw|input>_thresh_rising_value and
> 		<type>[Z][_name]_<raw|input>_thresh_falling_value may take
> 		different values, but the device can only enable both thresholds
> 		or neither.
> 		Note the driver will assume the last p events requested are
> 		to be enabled where p is however many it supports (which may
> 		vary depending on the exact set requested. So if you want to be
> 		sure you have set what you think you have, check the contents of
> 		these attributes after everything is configured. Drivers may
> 		have to buffer any parameters so that they are consistent when
> 		a given event type is enabled a future point (and not those for
> 		whatever event was previously enabled).
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/accel_x_roc_rising_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/accel_x_roc_falling_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/accel_y_roc_rising_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/accel_y_roc_falling_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/accel_z_roc_rising_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/accel_z_roc_falling_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/gyro_x_roc_rising_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/gyro_x_roc_falling_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/gyro_y_roc_rising_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/gyro_y_roc_falling_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/gyro_z_roc_rising_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/gyro_z_roc_falling_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/magn_x_roc_rising_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/magn_x_roc_falling_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/magn_y_roc_rising_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/magn_y_roc_falling_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/magn_z_roc_rising_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/magn_z_roc_falling_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/inZ_supply_roc_rising_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/inZ_supply_roc_falling_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/inZ_roc_rising_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/inZ_roc_falling_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/temp_roc_rising_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/temp_roc_falling_en
> KernelVersion:	2.6.37
> Contact:	linux-iio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Description:
> 		Event generated when channel passes a threshold on the rate of
> 		change (1st differential) in the specified (_rising|_falling)
> 		direction. If the direction is not specified, then either the
> 		device will report an event which ever direction a single
> 		threshold value is called in (e.g.
> 		<type>[Z][_name]_<raw|input>_roc_value) or
> 		<type>[Z][_name]_<raw|input>_roc_rising_value and
> 		<type>[Z][_name]_<raw|input>_roc_falling_value may take
> 		different values, but the device can only enable both rate of
> 		change thresholds or neither.
> 		Note the driver will assume the last p events requested are
> 		to be enabled where p is however many it supports (which may
> 		vary depending on the exact set requested. So if you want to be
> 		sure you have set what you think you have, check the contents of
> 		these attributes after everything is configured. Drivers may
> 		have to buffer any parameters so that they are consistent when
> 		a given event type is enabled a future point (and not those for
> 		whatever event was previously enabled).
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/accel_x_raw_thresh_rising_value
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/accel_x_raw_thresh_falling_value
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/accel_y_raw_thresh_rising_value
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/accel_y_raw_thresh_falling_value
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/accel_z_raw_thresh_rising_value
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/accel_z_raw_thresh_falling_value
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/gyro_x_raw_thresh_rising_value
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/gyro_x_raw_thresh_falling_value
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/gyro_y_raw_thresh_rising_value
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/gyro_y_raw_thresh_falling_value
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/gyro_z_raw_thresh_rising_value
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/gyro_z_raw_thresh_falling_value
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/magn_x_raw_thresh_rising_value
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/magn_x_raw_thresh_falling_value
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/magn_y_raw_thresh_rising_value
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/magn_y_raw_thresh_falling_value
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/magn_z_raw_thresh_rising_value
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/magn_z_raw_thresh_falling_value
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/inZ_supply_raw_thresh_rising_value
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/inZ_supply_raw_thresh_falling_value
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/inZ_raw_thresh_falling_value
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/inZ_raw_thresh_falling_value
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/temp_raw_thresh_falling_value
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/temp_raw_thresh_falling_value
> KernelVersion:	2.6.37
> Contact:	linux-iio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Description:
> 		Specifies the value of threshold that the device is comparing
> 		against for the events enabled by
> 		<type>Z[_name]_thresh[_rising|falling]_en.
> 		If separate attributes  exist for the two directions, but
> 		direction is not specified for this attribute, then a single
> 		threshold value applies to both directions.
> 		The raw or input element of the name indicates whether the
> 		value is in raw device units or in processed units (as _raw
> 		and _input do on sysfs direct channel read attributes).
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/accel_x_raw_roc_rising_value
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/accel_x_raw_roc_falling_value
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/accel_y_raw_roc_rising_value
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/accel_y_raw_roc_falling_value
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/accel_z_raw_roc_rising_value
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/accel_z_raw_roc_falling_value
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/gyro_x_raw_roc_rising_value
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/gyro_x_raw_roc_falling_value
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/gyro_y_raw_roc_rising_value
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/gyro_y_raw_roc_falling_value
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/gyro_z_raw_roc_rising_value
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/gyro_z_raw_roc_falling_value
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/magn_x_raw_roc_rising_value
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/magn_x_raw_roc_falling_value
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/magn_y_raw_roc_rising_value
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/magn_y_raw_roc_falling_value
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/magn_z_raw_roc_rising_value
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/magn_z_raw_roc_falling_value
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/inZ_supply_raw_roc_rising_value
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/inZ_supply_raw_roc_falling_value
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/inZ_raw_roc_falling_value
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/inZ_raw_roc_falling_value
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/temp_raw_roc_falling_value
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/temp_raw_roc_falling_value
> KernelVersion:	2.6.37
> Contact:	linux-iio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Description:
> 		Specifies the value of rate of change threshold that the
> 		device is comparing against for the events enabled by
> 		<type>[Z][_name]_roc[_rising|falling]_en.
> 		If separate attributes exist for the two directions,
> 		but direction is not specified for this attribute,
> 		then a single threshold value applies to both directions.
> 		The raw or input element of the name indicates whether the
> 		value is in raw device units or in processed units (as _raw
> 		and _input do on sysfs direct channel read attributes).
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/accel_x_thresh_rising_period
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/accel_x_thresh_falling_period
> hat:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/accel_x_roc_rising_period
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/accel_x_roc_falling_period
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/accel_y_thresh_rising_period
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/accel_y_thresh_falling_period
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/accel_y_roc_rising_period
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/accel_y_roc_falling_period
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/accel_z_thresh_rising_period
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/accel_z_thresh_falling_period
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/accel_z_roc_rising_period
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/accel_z_roc_falling_period
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/gyro_x_thresh_rising_period
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/gyro_x_thresh_falling_period
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/gyro_x_roc_rising_period
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/gyro_x_roc_falling_period
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/gyro_y_thresh_rising_period
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/gyro_y_thresh_falling_period
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/gyro_y_roc_rising_period
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/gyro_y_roc_falling_period
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/gyro_z_thresh_rising_period
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/gyro_z_thresh_falling_period
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/gyro_z_roc_rising_period
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/gyro_z_roc_falling_period
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/magn_x_thresh_rising_period
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/magn_x_thresh_falling_period
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/magn_x_roc_rising_period
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/magn_x_roc_falling_period
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/magn_y_thresh_rising_period
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/magn_y_thresh_falling_period
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/magn_y_roc_rising_period
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/magn_y_roc_falling_period
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/magn_z_thresh_rising_period
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/magn_z_thresh_falling_period
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/magn_z_roc_rising_period
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/magn_z_roc_falling_period
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/inZ_supply_thresh_rising_period
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/inZ_supply_thresh_falling_period
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/inz_supply_roc_rising_period
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/inZ_supply_roc_falling_period
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/inZ_thresh_rising_period
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/inZ_thresh_falling_period
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/inZ_roc_rising_period
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/inZ_roc_falling_period
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/temp_thresh_rising_period
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/temp_thresh_falling_period
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/temp_roc_rising_period
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/temp_roc_falling_period
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/accel_x&y&z_mag_falling_period
> KernelVersion:	2.6.37
> Contact:	linux-iio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Description:
> 		Period of time (in seconds) for which the condition must be
> 		met before an event is generated. If direction is not
> 		specified then this period applies to both directions.
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/accel_mag_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/accel_mag_rising_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/accel_mag_falling_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/accel_x_mag_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/accel_x_mag_rising_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/accel_x_mag_falling_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/accel_y_mag_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/accel_y_mag_rising_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/accel_y_mag_falling_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/accel_z_mag_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/accel_z_mag_rising_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/accel_z_mag_falling_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/accel_x&y&z_mag_rising_en
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:eventY/accel_x&y&z_mag_falling_en
> KernelVersion:	2.6.37
> Contact:	linux-iio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Description:
> 		Similar to accel_x_thresh[_rising|_falling]_en, but here the
> 		magnitude of the channel is compared to the threshold, not its
> 		signed value.
> What:		/sys/.../accel_raw_mag_value
> What:		/sys/.../accel_x_raw_mag_rising_value
> What:		/sys/.../accel_y_raw_mag_rising_value
> What:		/sys/.../accel_z_raw_mag_rising_value
> KernelVersion:	2.6.37
> Contact:	linux-iio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Description:
> 		The value to which the magnitude of the channel is compared. If
> 		number or direction is not specified, applies to all channels of
> 		this type.
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX:buffer:event/dev
> KernelVersion:	2.6.35
> Contact:	linux-iio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Description:
> 		Buffer for device X event character device major:minor numbers.
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX:buffer:access/dev
> KernelVersion:	2.6.35
> Contact:	linux-iio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Description:
> 		Buffer for device X access character device major:minor numbers.
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX:buffer/trigger
> KernelVersion:	2.6.35
> Contact:	linux-iio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Description:
> 		The name of the trigger source being used, as per string given
> 		in /sys/class/iio/triggerY/name.
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX:buffer/length
> KernelVersion:	2.6.35
> Contact:	linux-iio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Description:
> 		Number of scans contained by the buffer.
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX:buffer/bytes_per_datum
> KernelVersion:	2.6.37
> Contact:	linux-iio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Description:
> 		Bytes per scan.  Due to alignment fun, the scan may be larger
> 		than implied directly by the scan_element parameters.
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX:buffer/enable
> KernelVersion:	2.6.35
> Contact:	linux-iio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Description:
> 		Actually start the buffer capture up.  Will start trigger
> 		if first device and appropriate.
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX:buffer/scan_elements
> KernelVersion:	2.6.37
> Contact:	linux-iio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Description:
> 		Directory containing interfaces for elements that will be
> 		captured for a single triggered sample set in the buffer.
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX:buffer/scan_elements/accel_x_en
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX:buffer/scan_elements/accel_y_en
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX:buffer/scan_elements/accel_z_en
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX:buffer/scan_elements/gyro_x_en
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX:buffer/scan_elements/gyro_y_en
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX:buffer/scan_elements/gyro_z_en
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX:buffer/scan_elements/magn_x_en
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX:buffer/scan_elements/magn_y_en
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX:buffer/scan_elements/magn_z_en
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX:buffer/scan_elements/timestamp_en
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX:buffer/scan_elements/inY_supply_en
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX:buffer/scan_elements/inY_en
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX:buffer/scan_elements/inY-inZ_en
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX:buffer/scan_elements/incli_x_en
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX:buffer/scan_elements/incli_y_en
> KernelVersion:	2.6.37
> Contact:	linux-iio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Description:
> 		Scan element control for triggered data capture.
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX:buffer/scan_elements/accel_type
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX:buffer/scan_elements/gyro_type
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX:buffer/scan_elements/magn_type
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX:buffer/scan_elements/incli_type
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX:buffer/scan_elements/inY_type
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX:buffer/scan_elements/in-in_type
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:buffer/scan_elements/inY_supply_type
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:buffer/scan_elements/timestamp_type
> KernelVersion:	2.6.37
> Contact:	linux-iio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Description:
> 		Description of the scan element data storage within the buffer
> 		and hence the form in which it is read from user-space.
> 		Form is [s|u]bits/storagebits[>>shift].  s or u specifies if
> 		signed (2's complement) or unsigned. bits is the number of bits
> 		of data and storagebits is the space (after padding) that it
> 		occupies in the buffer. shift if specified, is the shift that
> 		needs to be applied prior to masking out unused bits. Some
> 		devices put their data in the middle of the transfered elements
> 		with additional information on both sides.  Note that some
> 		devices will have additional information in the unused bits
> 		so to get a clean value, the bits value must be used to mask
> 		the buffer output value appropriately.  The storagebits value
> 		also specifies the data alignment.  So s48/64>>2 will be a
> 		signed 48 bit integer stored in a 64 bit location aligned to
> 		a a64 bit boundary. To obtain the clean value, shift right 2
> 		and apply a mask to zero the top 16 bits of the result.
> 		For other storage combinations this attribute will be extended
> 		appropriately.
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:buffer/scan_elements/accel_type_available
> KernelVersion:	2.6.37
> Contact:	linux-iio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Description:
> 		If the type parameter can take one of a small set of values,
> 		this attribute lists them.
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX:buffer/scan_elements/inY_index
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:buffer/scan_elements/inY_supply_index
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX:buffer/scan_elements/accel_x_index
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX:buffer/scan_elements/accel_y_index
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX:buffer/scan_elements/accel_z_index
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX:buffer/scan_elements/gyro_x_index
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX:buffer/scan_elements/gyro_y_index
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX:buffer/scan_elements/gyro_z_index
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX:buffer/scan_elements/magn_x_index
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX:buffer/scan_elements/magn_y_index
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX:buffer/scan_elements/magn_z_index
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX:buffer/scan_elements/incli_x_index
> What:		/sys/bus/iio/devices/deviceX:buffer/scan_elements/incli_y_index
> What:		/sys/.../deviceX:buffer/scan_elements/timestamp_index
> KernelVersion:	2.6.37
> Contact:	linux-iio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Description:
> 		A single positive integer specifying the position of this
> 		scan element in the buffer. Note these are not dependent on
> 		what is enabled and may not be contiguous. Thus for user-space
> 		to establish the full layout these must be used in conjunction
> 		with all _en attributes to establish which channels are present,
> 		and the relevant _type attributes to establish the data storage
> 		format.
> --
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