Thank you very much Giampolo
(and funny to see that my name is the same than yours, but in Catalan)
From your notes:
mknod /dev/i2c-0 c 89 0
modprobe i2c-dev
i2cdetect -l
i2c-0 smbus SMBus I801 adapter at 0400 SMBus adapter
i2cget 0 0x20
I see that you can access the chip. I will test it on monday or tuesday.
Do you know if we can access the N'th pin on the chip with 'i2cget 0
0x20 N' (N in 0..7)?
And do you know if we can access these pins directly from a C program (I
mean without using a system call) ?
Thanks again for your responses!
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