Dear Manu, since my kernel always crashed with changeset 7348 (28.Mai.08) I switched to uname -a -> #2 PREEMPT Tue Jun 3 23:33:24 CEST 2008 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux The last stable version for was changeset 7328 (21.Mai.08) works with changeset 7348 as long as the CAM is not inserted. When I start "vdr" with the CAM plugged in, then the computer gets very slow and I must do "init 6". Below you find /var/log/messages with the CAM inserted. Firstly, you see logging while booting. Secondly, the logging when starting vdr. /*********************************************************************** * I Log while booting ************************************************************************/ 20:34:27
kernel: ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:02:01.0[A] -> GSI 21 (level, low)
-> IRQ 21
20:34:27 kernel: irq: 21, latency: 64 20:34:27 kernel: memory: 0xdfeff000, mmio: 0xffffc2000006a000 20:34:27 kernel: found a VP-2033 PCI DVB-C device on (02:01.0), 20:34:27 kernel: Mantis Rev 1 [1822:0008], irq: 21, latency: 64 20:34:27 kernel: memory: 0xdfeff000, mmio: 0xffffc2000006a000 20:34:27 kernel: mantis_i2c_write: Address=[0x50] <W>[ 08 ] 20:34:27 kernel: mantis_i2c_read: Address=[0x50] <R>[ 00 08 ca 19 e9 b6 ] 20:34:27 kernel: MAC Address=[00:08:ca:19:e9:b6] 20:34:27 kernel: mantis_alloc_buffers (0): DMA=0x57150000 cpu=0xffff810057150000 size=65536 20:34:27 kernel: mantis_alloc_buffers (0): RISC=0x76432000 cpu=0xffff810076432000 size=1000 20:34:27 kernel: DVB: registering new adapter (Mantis dvb adapter) 20:34:27 kernel: mantis_frontend_init (0): Probing for CU1216 (DVB-C) 20:34:27 kernel: mantis_i2c_write: Address=[0x50] <W>[ ff ] 20:34:27 kernel: mantis_i2c_read: Address=[0x50] <R>[ 22 ] 20:34:27 kernel: mantis_i2c_write: Address=[0x0c] <W>[ 1a ] 20:34:27 kernel: mantis_i2c_read: Address=[0x0c] <R>[ 7c ] 20:34:27 kernel: TDA10021: i2c-addr = 0x0c, id = 0x7c 20:34:27 kernel: mantis_frontend_init (0): found Philips CU1216 DVB-C frontend (TDA10021) @ 0x0c 20:34:27 kernel: mantis_frontend_init (0): Mantis DVB-C Philips CU1216 frontend attach success 20:34:27 kernel: DVB: registering frontend 0 (Philips TDA10021 DVB-C)... 20:34:27 kernel: mantis_ca_init (0): Registering EN50221 device 20:34:27 kernel: mantis_ca_init (0): Registered EN50221 device 20:34:27 kernel: mantis_hif_init (0): Adapter(0) Initializing Mantis Host Interface 20:34:28 gconfd (rudi-6693): GConf server is not in use, shutting down. 20:34:28 gconfd (rudi-6693): Exiting 20:34:28 kernel: dvb_ca adapter 0: DVB CAM detected and initialised successfully 20:34:29 kernel: ACPI: PCI interrupt for device 0000:02:02.0 disabled 20:34:29 kernel: ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:02:02.0[A] -> GSI 22 (level, low) -> IRQ 22 20:34:29 kernel: ice1724: Using board model M Audio Revolution-7.1 20:34:58 gconfd (rudi-8688): starting (version 2.20.0), pid 8688 user 'rudi' /*********************************************************************** * II Start VDR ************************************************************************/ 20:56:40 vdr: [18332] cTimeMs: using monotonic clock (resolution is 999848 ns) 20:56:40 vdr: [18332] VDR version 1.6.0-1 started 20:56:40 vdr: [18332] codeset is 'UTF-8' - known 20:56:40 vdr: [18332] ERROR: ./locale: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden 20:56:40 vdr: [18332] no locale for language code 'deu,ger' 20:56:40 vdr: [18332] loading plugin: /GIGA1/SOURCES/DVB/VDR/vdr/PLUGINS/lib/ 20:56:40 vdr: [18332] loading /video/setup.conf 20:56:40 vdr: [18332] ERROR: unknown config parameter: MenuButtonCloses = 0 20:56:40 vdr: [18332] unknown locale: '0' 20:56:40 vdr: [18332] ERROR: unknown config parameter: SortTimers = 1 20:56:40 vdr: [18332] loading /video/sources.conf 20:56:40 vdr: [18332] loading /video/diseqc.conf 20:56:40 vdr: [18332] loading /video/channels.conf 20:56:40 vdr: [18332] loading /video/timers.conf 20:56:40 vdr: [18332] loading /video/commands.conf 20:56:40 vdr: [18332] loading /video/svdrphosts.conf 20:56:40 vdr: [18332] loading /video/remote.conf 20:56:40 vdr: [18332] loading /video/keymacros.conf 20:56:40 vdr: [18333] video directory scanner thread started (pid=18332, tid=18333) 20:56:40 vdr: [18333] video directory scanner thread ended (pid=18332, tid=18333) 20:56:40 vdr: [18334] video directory scanner thread started (pid=18332, tid=18334) 20:56:40 vdr: [18334] video directory scanner thread ended (pid=18332, tid=18334) 20:56:40 vdr: [18332] reading EPG data from /video/ 20:56:40 vdr: [18332] probing /dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0 20:56:40 vdr: [18336] CI adapter on device 0 thread started (pid=18332, tid=18336) 20:56:41 vdr: [18336] CAM 1: module present 20:56:42 kernel: mantis_i2c_write: Address=[0x0c] <W>[ 00 dvb_ca adapter 0: DVB CAM detected and initialised successfully 20:56:42 vdr: [18336] CAM 1: module ready 20:56:44 kernel: mantis_ack_wait (0): Slave RACK Fail ! 20:56:44 kernel: DVB: TDA10021(0): _tda10021_writereg, writereg error (reg == 0x00, val == 0x73, ret == -121) 20:56:47 kernel: mantis_i2c_write: Address=[0x0c] <W>[ 01 <3>mantis_ack_wait (0): Slave RACK Fail ! 20:56:47 kernel: DVB: TDA10021(0): _tda10021_writereg, writereg error (reg == 0x01, val == 0x6a, ret == -121) 20:56:49 vdr: [18336] CAM 1: AlphaCrypt Light, 01, 4A20, 4A20 20:56:50 kernel: mantis_i2c_write: Address=[0x0c] <W>[ 02 <3>mantis_ack_wait (0): Slave RACK Fail ! 20:56:50 kernel: DVB: TDA10021(0): _tda10021_writereg, writereg error (reg == 0x02, val == 0x23, ret == -121) 20:56:53 kernel: mantis_i2c_write: Address=[0x0c] <W>[ 03 <3>mantis_ack_wait (0): Slave RACK Fail ! 20:56:53 kernel: DVB: TDA10021(0): _tda10021_writereg, writereg error (reg == 0x03, val == 0x0a, ret == -121) 20:56:55 vdr: [18336] CAM 1: doesn't reply to QUERY - only a single channel can be decrypted 20:56:56 kernel: mantis_i2c_write: Address=[0x0c] <W>[ 04 <3>mantis_ack_wait (0): Slave RACK Fail ! 20:56:56 kernel: DVB: TDA10021(0): _tda10021_writereg, writereg error (reg == 0x04, val == 0x02, ret == -121) 20:56:59 kernel: mantis_i2c_write: Address=[0x0c] <W>[ 05 <3>mantis_hif_write_wait (0): Adater(0) Slot(0): Write operation timed out! 20:56:59 kernel: mantis_hif_write_iom (0): Adapter(0) Slot(0): HIF Smart Buffer operation failed 20:56:59 kernel: dvb_ca adapter 0: CAM tried to send a buffer larger than the link buffer size (512 > 128)! 20:57:00 kernel: mantis_ack_wait (0): Slave RACK Fail ! 20:57:00 kernel: DVB: TDA10021(0): _tda10021_writereg, writereg error (reg == 0x05, val == 0x37, ret == -121) 20:57:00 kernel: mantis_i2c_write: Address=[0x0c] <W>[ 06 <3>mantis_hif_write_wait (0): Adater(0) Slot(0): Write operation timed out! 20:57:00 kernel: mantis_hif_write_iom (0): Adapter(0) Slot(0): HIF Smart Buffer operation failed 20:57:00 kernel: dvb_ca adapter 0: DVB CAM link initialisation failed :( 20:57:00 vdr: [18336] ERROR: can't write to CI adapter on device 0: Ein-/Ausgabefehler der Gegenstelle (remote) 20:57:00 vdr: [18336] CAM 1: no module present 20:57:00 kernel: mantis_hif_write_wait (0): Adater(0) Slot(0): Write operation timed out! 20:57:00 kernel: mantis_hif_write_iom (0): Adapter(0) Slot(0): HIF Smart Buffer operation failed 20:57:04 kernel: mantis_ack_wait (0): Slave RACK Fail ! 20:57:04 kernel: DVB: TDA10021(0): _tda10021_writereg, writereg error (reg == 0x06, val == 0x77, ret == -121) 20:57:08 kernel: mantis_i2c_write: Address=[0x0c] <W>[ 07 <3>mantis_ack_wait (0): Slave RACK Fail ! 20:57:08 kernel: DVB: TDA10021(0): _tda10021_writereg, writereg error (reg == 0x07, val == 0x1a, ret == -121) 20:57:12 kernel: mantis_i2c_write: Address=[0x0c] <W>[ 08 <3>mantis_ack_wait (0): Slave RACK Fail ! 20:57:12 kernel: DVB: TDA10021(0): _tda10021_writereg, writereg error (reg == 0x08, val == 0x37, ret == -121) 20:57:16 kernel: mantis_i2c_write: Address=[0x0c] <W>[ 09 <3>mantis_ack_wait (0): Slave RACK Fail ! 20:57:16 kernel: DVB: TDA10021(0): _tda10021_writereg, writereg error (reg == 0x09, val == 0x6a, ret == -121) Please be so kind a and look into this. Ciao Ruediger |
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