Luca Olivetti wrote:
En/na Juan ha escrit:
I Andrew, all,
No news from other list members about this device. Please, can you
send me your progress and related doc? I want to try to do something.
Hopefully I should receive one of those devices soon, so I can offer my
help, and I know that someone else is working on it too. This is just a
heads-up since I'm terribly lazy, so I cannot stand to see useless
duplication of work ;-)
Hi luca, all,
Yeah I haven't made any progress for a long time, haven't really had a
development machine set up to do it on easily. There's been a couple of
other people I know wanted to work on it, but haven't heard from either
of them recently.
I'm not allowed to send out the docs that afatech sent, they don't allow
them to be made publicly available, although they were directly emailed
to me.
I'd love to see some work done on it by others, because I hate having a
useless dvb dongle sitting around, but I simply have no extra time to
work on it around uni&work for a while to come. I'll follow up with
whatever info I'm allowed to give when I have a chance.
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