Hi Michel,
Michel Verbraak wrote:
Zoilo Gomez schreef:
I am also at loss now ....
Michel: can you confirm that DiSEqC is working for you using the
Mantis driver? Are you 100% that it is DiSEqC that is doing the work,
and not some conventional compatibility function like 18/13V+22kHz
etc (which initially fooled me to believe that DiSEqC was working)?
Manu: a couple of emails ago, you wrote that you were puzzled how the
code could ever have worked, and came up with some changes ... ? What
I made from this is that you had found some quirks in the register
settings (but perhaps i completely misunderstood you).
Looks like I must go and borrow an oscilloscope somehow, so I can
measure what is going on at the coax level ...
The driver does send diseqc commands. Because I control my rotor with
DiseqC 1.2 gotox commands. Have a look at my gotox program. I posted a
bit earlier about it. It uses the dvb api which is in dvb-apps at
So I understand that what you are saying is that your driver is sending
DiSEqC commands, *but you are not using them, so you cannot sure that
they work*, correct?
Instead you are controlling your rotor with a separate program, that is
not using the Mantis driver, correct?
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