Hi Joep,
Scanning with Kaffeine works for me now also :)
Ealier Livna repository Kaffeine didn't support
setting QAM128. It used QAM64 always
(HTV cable TV operator provides channel
information on QAM128 mode here).
I'm using kernel 2.6.18-1.2798.fc6 from Fedora Core 6.
I use the stock FC6 kernel as a base.
Then I install mantis drivers with
#make all
#cp v4l/cu1216.ko
#make install
I use also Livna RPM repository for Xine and Kaffeine and for all other
DVB stuff.
I use scan binary from http://www.linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/Dvbtools
I installed it under /usr/local/
#ls /usr/local/lib
libdvbapi.a libdvbcfg.a libdvben50221.a libdvbsec.a libucsi.a
libdvbapi.so libdvbcfg.so libdvben50221.so libdvbsec.so libucsi.so
I have for scanning "fi-HTV" file:
# cat fi-HTV
C 274000000 6900000 AUTO QAM128
I have modified this by myself. The orginal fi-HTV
is obsolete and doesn't work for me.
You might get a complete channels.conf file from your TV channel provider.
So for scanning you need to know the following parameters:
One frequency: 274Mhz
Symbol rate for that frequency: 6.9 Msyms/s
Inversion: AUTO (this is ok for you too)
Modulation: QAM128
I use scan binary like this (librarys are installed under /usr/local/lib):
cd dvb-apps/util/scan
#export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib
#./scan -A 3 fi-HTV
(-A 3 checks both cable and terrestial modes).
You get help with the parameters with
#export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib
#./scan --help
joep admiraal wrote:
I'm using OpenSuse 10.1
What kernel are you using Marko?
If I run dvbscan the second time doesn't find any channels.
It only gives filter timeouts.
I don't have a scan binary on my machine.
How can I watch TV channel's with xine?
When I choose playlist->get from->dvb
xine just locks up
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