Hi all,
I started using linux dvb drivers with the Twinhan cab-CI with
alphacrypt 3.05 on a SuSE 10.0 distro (kernel 2.6.13-15). I've tried
different earlier CVS versions, one snapshot (januari 15th 2006) and
some recent HG versions. The best result up till now is a screen filled
with mostly green squares, sometimes outlines of e.g. a tennis court are
recognizable. Basically things work ok (tuning, getting a signal lock).
I'm working with FTA channels. The last step was to install the most
recent kernel from kernel.org (, nothing changed with
the picture. I've checked the Twinhan card with win xp (dual boot
machine) and signalstrength and picture quality are fine. I'm living in
Netherland, cable provider is TVHome.
Anyone else with this problem?
Known solutions?
Regards and thanks for the effort in advance.