Hello! [ I hope I am on-topic here. I have considered to post this to the tuxbox-forum, but decided to post it here because it has more to do with stream encodings than with the dbox2.] I'm trying to transport live streams over a 10BaseT[1] network. With most channels, there is no problem. But on some programs (most notably the german ARD) the bitrate is changing pretty much. After a lot of investigations, i've got some assumptions: - Most of the bandwidth is consumed by the video-pid (pid 101). This is not really a surprise. I mention this here only because I need a reason to ignore the other PIDs :) - Most of the time the bitrate on the video-pid is quite low (about 2000..3500 TS packets per second, which gives something below 7MBps). But sometimes (every 10..20 minutes) the bitrate raises dramatically[2] for a couple of seconds (sometimes just one second, sometimes up to 20 seconds) and comes down again to the 2000..3500 range. I really don't understand what is going on here. How come this dramatic raise without increase in the motion or in picture-details? Is this raise really caused by the video stream? - Next, I checked how much stuffing (via adaptation field) is inserted. It seems to me that about 6..8% stuffing is inserted. My guess is that with recoding the TS into PS, it should be possible to avoid this stuffing. In addition, the TS header (another 2%) can be avoided. With a little luck, this might be sufficient to get the bitrate below 10MBps (check footnote [2]). Can anyone confirm or correct my assumptions or have any other idea what might be going wrong here? I would like to try this recoding (TS->PS). Extracting PES from the TS is not really a probem. But unfortunately, I could not find any description how PS streams are to be constructed. Any pointers? Thanks in advance! [1] Using 100BaseT is no option, since this is for the dbox2, which is limited to 10BaseT by hardware. [2] I have seen bitrates of up to 5400 TS-packets per second. This gives about 1015200 cps, which is obviously too much for a 10BaseT network =8). -- No software patents in Europe -- http://nosoftwarepatents.com -- Josef Wolf -- jw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx --