>> >> Is there something at the kernel level which defines these >> 'KEY_RED' etc tags? > > they seem to be found in <kernel-root>/include/linux/input.h Yes > >> it looks like the '0x0b' etc signals are being received, >> but when they're mapped on to KEY_RED etc they don't work. >> >> If I map 0x0b, for the RED key, onto KEY_KP5 the key >> works. But I only have about 14 "KEY_**" placeholders to >> play with. >> >> Can anyone explain why or what module is understanding >> KEY_KP5 BUT NOT KEY_RED, KEY_BLUE, KEY_TEXT etc etc etc > > > My guess would be that it might be something to do with > KEY_RED being 0x18e, ie something bigger than 0xff. It > happens that 0x8e displays as nothing, so if it's getting > handled mod 256 you'll see nothing unless you go to some > extra trouble, such as piping the output of tail through > less. (assuming you have less set up to display control > characters somehow). ie if "echo -e "0x8e" | less" shows you > something, it's worth trying piping the tail through less. Although it doesn't explain why my KEY_LEFT works, which is defined in <kernel-root>/include/linux/input.h as 105, but my KEY_RIGHT doesn't which is defined in <kernel-root>/include/linux/input.h as 106. There is possibly a pattern though. There are no keys that work which are defined in <kernel-root>/include/linux/input.h as hex numbers : 0xXX Why are some keys in <kernel-root>/include/linux/input.h defined as hex and others defined as (what I assume is) decimal? > > What's you're locale? > [root@media vdr]# locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8 LC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-8" LC_NUMERIC="en_US.UTF-8" LC_TIME="en_US.UTF-8" LC_COLLATE="en_US.UTF-8" LC_MONETARY="en_US.UTF-8" LC_MESSAGES="en_US.UTF-8" LC_PAPER="en_US.UTF-8" LC_NAME="en_US.UTF-8" LC_ADDRESS="en_US.UTF-8" LC_TELEPHONE="en_US.UTF-8" LC_MEASUREMENT="en_US.UTF-8" LC_IDENTIFICATION="en_US.UTF-8" LC_ALL= > (I have one of these remote controls, but haven't even got > round to putting the batteries in yet) > > J?n I think I'd hang on to those batteries for now !! ;)