Re: [PATCH v10 1/1] can: usb: etas_es58X: add support for ETAS ES58X CAN USB interfaces

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@Vincent: No need for cross posting and putting the networking maintainers in CC for these really deep CAN driver specific topics IHMO
On 15.01.21 08:26, Marc Kleine-Budde wrote:
On 1/15/21 1:41 AM, Vincent MAILHOL wrote:
On Fri. 15 Jan 2021 at 02:23, Oliver Hartkopp <socketcan@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Vincent,

On 12.01.21 14:05, Vincent Mailhol wrote:
This driver supports the ES581.4, ES582.1 and ES584.1 interfaces from

diff --git a/drivers/net/can/usb/etas_es58x/es58x_fd.c b/drivers/net/can/usb/etas_es58x/es58x_fd.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6b9534f23c96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/can/usb/etas_es58x/es58x_fd.c

+static void es58x_fd_print_bittiming(struct net_device *netdev,
+                                  struct es58x_fd_bittiming
+                                  *es58x_fd_bittiming, char *type)
+     netdev_vdbg(netdev, "bitrate %s    = %d\n", type,
+                 le32_to_cpu(es58x_fd_bittiming->bitrate));
+     netdev_vdbg(netdev, "tseg1 %s      = %d\n", type,
+                 le16_to_cpu(es58x_fd_bittiming->tseg1));
+     netdev_vdbg(netdev, "tseg2 %s      = %d\n", type,
+                 le16_to_cpu(es58x_fd_bittiming->tseg2));
+     netdev_vdbg(netdev, "brp %s        = %d\n", type,
+                 le16_to_cpu(es58x_fd_bittiming->brp));
+     netdev_vdbg(netdev, "sjw %s        = %d\n", type,
+                 le16_to_cpu(es58x_fd_bittiming->sjw));
What is the reason for this code?

These values can be retrieved with the 'ip' tool and are probably
interesting for development - but not in the final code.
First thing, I used netdev_vdbg() (verbose debug). That macro
will only produce code if VERBOSE_DEBUG is defined. Normal users
will not see those. So yes, this is mostly for development.

Also, just realised that netdev_vdbg() is barely used
anywhere (only three files use it:

I guess that I will remove it :)

Thanks! That will remove some more code in the background too.

+static void es58x_fd_print_conf(struct net_device *netdev,
+                             struct es58x_fd_tx_conf_msg *tx_conf_msg)
+     es58x_fd_print_bittiming(netdev, &tx_conf_msg->nominal_bittiming,
+                              "nominal");
+     netdev_vdbg(netdev, "samples_per_bit    = %d\n",
+                 tx_conf_msg->samples_per_bit);
+     netdev_vdbg(netdev, "sync_edge          = %d\n",
+                 tx_conf_msg->sync_edge);
+     netdev_vdbg(netdev, "physical_layer     = %d\n",
+                 tx_conf_msg->physical_layer);
+     netdev_vdbg(netdev, "self_reception     = %d\n",
+                 tx_conf_msg->self_reception_mode);
+     netdev_vdbg(netdev, "ctrlmode           = %d\n", tx_conf_msg->ctrlmode);
+     netdev_vdbg(netdev, "canfd_enabled      = %d\n",
+                 tx_conf_msg->canfd_enabled);
+     if (tx_conf_msg->canfd_enabled) {
+             es58x_fd_print_bittiming(netdev,
+                                      &tx_conf_msg->data_bittiming, "data");
+             netdev_vdbg(netdev,
+                         "Transmitter Delay Compensation        = %d\n",
+                         tx_conf_msg->tdc);
+             netdev_vdbg(netdev,
+                         "Transmitter Delay Compensation Offset = %d\n",
+                         le16_to_cpu(tx_conf_msg->tdco));
+             netdev_vdbg(netdev,
+                         "Transmitter Delay Compensation Filter = %d\n",
+                         le16_to_cpu(tx_conf_msg->tdcf));
+     }
Same here.

Either the information can be retrieved with the 'ip' tool OR the are
not necessary as set to some reasonable default anyway
Ack, will remove.

OR we should
implement the functionality in the general CAN driver infrastructure.
Would make sense to me to add the tdco (Transmitter Delay
Compensation Offset). Ref: ISO 11898-1 section
11.3.3 "Transmitter delay compensation"

I would just like your opinion on one topic: the tdco is specific
to CAN FD. If we add it, we have two choices:
   1. put it in struct can_bittiming: that will mean that we will
      have an unused field for classical CAN (field bittiming of
      struct can_priv).
   2. put it in struct can_priv (but outside of struct
      can_bittiming): no unused field but less pretty.
3. Deprecate struct can_bittiming as the user space interface
    and transfer each member individually via netlink. Extend
    the kernel-only can_bittiming by the tdc related
    parameters, and add these to the new netlink interface.
I also saw the current netlink interface as the problem here.

But even when 'deprecating' the old interface we still need to provide the API, right?
Would therefore the new parameters overwrite the content which is 
transferred by can_bittiming or how would you like to make sure the 
mixed content remains consistent?
I prefer this, as I want to extend the bittiming_const in this way, too. There
are CAN controllers, where the bit timing calculation:

	bt->prop_seg = tseg1 / 2;
	bt->phase_seg1 = tseg1 - bt->prop_seg;
doesn't work anymore, as they have asymmetric prog_seg and phase_seg1, so that
splitting tseg1 in half doesn't work anymore.


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