> https://www.waveshare.com/w/upload/e/e2/2-CH-CAN-FD-HAT-Schematic.pdf > > Grmpf :/ > >> This means that can1 cs is connected to pi header pin 26 > > Both of rpi's SPI host drivers prefer to use GPIO chip selects by default, as > native chip selects have some limitations. And all three mcp251xfd overlays use > GPIO chip selects, this means you can use any free GPIO in the system for the > SPI chip select. > > Marc > It took me a while to realize but those pin numbers on the PCB are WPI := WiringPi numbers, not header pin numbers and not BCM pin numbers. The schematics also has the WPI column in the lower left section. https://pinout.xyz/pinout/wiringpi# -- Patrick