Hi Jay, On Wed, Sep 07, 2016, Montague, Jay wrote: > I have tried to send commands using the Eclipse IDE but when I send the following: > > system("echo -e 'agent NoInputNoOutput\n | bluetoothctl"); > > On the Edison it reports "No agent is registered" and the following message: bluetoothctl *is* the agent, and since I assume it exits after piping the command to it, it's not really a surprise that bluetoothd says there is no agent. > #!/bin/sh > rfkill unblock bluetooth > sdptool add -channel=22 SP > sleep 1 > bluetoothctl << EOF > agent NoInputNoOutput > EOF > sleep 1 > > Again it just report "No agent is registered". As I said earlier, that's because bluetoothd presumably exited. It needs to run in order for an agent to exist. Regarding sdptool & rfcomm usage, you might want to look into using the profile API instead (see doc/profile-api.txt and test/test-profile). It'll take care of the SDP and RFCOMM details for you, and e.g. completely skip TTYs in favor of RFCOMM sockets (I see you reported that you had some kernel issues with the TTYs). Johan -- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-bluetooth" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html