On 3/1/07, Greg Wilder <gregwilder@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Shouldn't this be a place to explore serious Linux-related musical topics that look to the wealth of unique and versatile Linux-based tools... How best to incorporate "live" web resources in a GNU/Linux powered installation? What "AI" tools are available to aid in the design of an intelligent improvising partner? Which application/design solutions work best for interactive sound design? What's the future of ambisonic audio looking/sounding like?
p:d, Chuck et al have mailing lists that I'm sure would address your specific need. I would also bet that discussions of that type would be welcome here, too. Why don't you start some specific threads about the topics you would like to discuss? I know I would find them interesting.
Casually glancing over the Linux Audio Conference schedule provides numerous interesting thread topics: Livecoding with SuperCollider, Music Composition through Spectral Modeling Synthesis and Pure Data, Interfacing Pure Data with Faust, Python for Sound Manipulation, Stereo, Multichannel and Binaural Sound Spatialization in Pure-Data, A Tetrahedral Microphone Processor for Ambisonic Recording, Visual prototyping of audio applications (CLAM), and the list goes on and on...
Again, start the topics that you want to see discussed.
I'm sure I'm in the minority on this, but I'd like to see a show of hands - how many of you are lurking on this list with the faint hope that some tiny (but usefull) bit of information might just drop from the sky?
Something I've learned in the very, very short time I've been a Linux user - *nothing* drops from the sky. You have to work for it and, most importantly, dig and do your research.
Despite my sarcastic tone, these comments are not meant to be destructive. I hope they might be a wake up call to a community that deserves better. Bombs away... G
It sounds to me like the general nature of the list doesn't appeal to you, which is just fine. I think subscribing to more specific lists and using the information presented on this list as general help to augment the others would be a better approach for you. -- Josh Lawrence http://www.hardbop200.com