>> As long as there is no solution to combine not registering and >> registering, there will at least be two wikis'. > >Well, so be it. Please correct me if I am wrong, but so far I know for >sure >that this particular thing bothers only you, and I've not gotten a clear >answer whether you would be willing to put in time to maintain such a >potential spamfest of a Wiki. Hence, on behalf of linuxaudio.org I am >inclined to make an offer to the Linux audio community that favors >majority >(again, please correct me if I am wrong). Why not use one of those generated pictures things? >We simply must understand that as long as we propose fragmentation of the >humble Linux audio scene because of our hard-line stands/preferences >(most >of whose impact is superficial at best while creating an unreasonable >amount >of overhead), we will be spending immense amounts of time and effort >reinventing the wheel. This fact alone should make any sane person cry >from >frustration. Well, I'll use linuxaudio.org, no matter what you do. But I don't understand the need for registration. If spam takes over, well, then it can be introduced later.