> bounty to persuade them. slowly, people are going to realize that > windows is a dead end. sometimes all you have to do is wait, and help <rant> Actually, realization will be a rather quick once Vista spreads and it turns out to be ridden with the same security issues XP had 5 years go. Now, average user may not care/understand this much (likely they will probably continue believing in the motto "reboot/crash a day keeps bugs at bay"), but for developers, it will be a no-brainer. OTOH, given that Linux market has actually shrunk over the past few years, and we are yet to return to the market cap of our micro-Renaissance of the 2000/1, the lack of the critical mass/paying customers will likely be a deterrent to the aforesaid migration from commercial developer perspective. All that being said, Universities have and will continue to be bastions of Linux and if my recent meetings are any indication, at least as far as Virginia Tech is concerned, its adoption in education sector will continue to grow exponentially... </rant> Ico