> Or possibly run Specimen in a 32-bit chroot. I have a complete > chroot'ed environment on my Gentoo 64-bit machine so that I can run > all the win32codec and Flash stuff necessary to exist on the web these > days. Much, much, much web content doesn't work with Linux 64-bit > machines but works great in the 32-bit chroot. you can get all web content with just a multilib glibc. emerge nspluginwrapper netscape-flash mplayer-bin mplayerplug-in mplayer is just an X window that gets overlaid into the browser, so you can symlink your 32bit mplayer to /usr/bin/mplayer and it will work fine in a 64bit browser. nspluginwrapper similarly does some kind of IPC pass-thru to a 32bit plugin.. personally i'd prefer the 'broken green puzzle piece' for flash but firefox is so bloated and slow that i have to run (32bit) opera where flash just works..